Rising Number of NICS Checks

Ahab reports that NICS is reporting a 5.3% uptick in background checks for January.  Not too surprising to me with gun owners faced with the strong likelihood of Obama the Gun Control Messiah, or Hillary the Power Mad Gun Control Harpy moving into the White House next year.

If you ever go on a tour of Philadelphia …

… you might not want to believe some of the things you hear from tour guides.  The tours at Independence Hall that are guided by the park rangers have tended to be pretty good.  Some rangers are far better at doing the tour than others.  It’s about half scripted, and half whatever the ranger feels like talking about that day.

No carrying in the building that The Constitution was signed in, and the Second Amendment was ratified.  Even if we fix the National Park carry ban, it’s still a federal facility, so 930(a) applies.  I’ll have to be happy to have carried in the room the second amendment was likely first drafted in.

Quote of the Day

DirtCrashr on California politics commenting at SayUncle:

Here in CA we are all minorities in a One Party State made-over by Identity Politics and gerrymandered into perpetual servitude to a political class that chooses its voters, rather than the other way around.  The square peg went into the round hole and the Governator came out a Democrat on the other side.

Sad, isn’t it?

Bogus Criticism

This might be the only time you’ll her me defend Barack Obama, but the people making hay out of this issue need to get bent.  Would it raise an eyebrow if a German-American politician gone to Germany and donned some liederhosen that was given to him?  But who is being accused of circulating this:

“Everybody knows that whether it’s me or Senator Clinton or Bill Clinton that when you travel to other countries they ask you to try on traditional garb that you have been given as a gift,” he said. “The notion that the Clinton campaign would be trying to circulate this as a negative on the same day that Senator Clinton was giving a speech about how we repair our relationships around the world is sad.”

Every time I start getting scared of the messianic following Obama has, I’m reminded of the fact that Hillary Clinton is a vile, vile creature, and I rightly deserves to lose for resorting to tactics like this.


I don’t take banning users lightly, and despite repeated statements of disrespect from this particular commenter, I actually still feel bad about doing this.  I have always wanted this blog to be open to all points of view, even ones that I find personally distasteful.  I have accepted many points of view here, and have been very tolerant to people even taking an unfavorable view of me and the things I say.  But there are lines that should not be crossed, and this crosses it:

Fuck you people. I get all this heartburn because I asked how NRA is treating someone to a concert that is sponsored by Gander Mountain?

No wonder you are from Waurika, that is where Comanche used to send all our mentally disabled, Bitch.

I was asking a serious question, but you assholes are so goddamned fragile you can’t answer it because you think it is some kind of attack.

Hell! It may have been, but if it was, I wasn’t aware of it. I really wanted to know about the mechanics of it.

Ok, you have provided me with an answer to a question that has been niggling at me for a while now. The answer to the question is: no! you are not small l libertarians, nor are you second amendment advocates, nor are you civil rights advocates, nor are you political conservatives (forget it, none of you are smart enough to know what that is), nor are you interested in procuring or reacquiring rights that have been lost or truncated over the years. You are simply people who like to feel important at no cost and have decided the best way to do that is to ride popular or semipopular coattails that have a chance of ascending to acceptance. You are merely cheerleaders with no loyalty to any team as long as you are paid. In your cases the pay is acceptance of a larger group .

Did I mention fuck you?

Oh, by the way, I will be in Comanche, Ok 0ver Easter. Bring your boyfriend, we’ll talk.

Comment by straightarrow on February 25th, 2008

I’ve been very tolerant of straightarrow up until that comment, despite his generally nasty disposition.  I draw the line at attacking my girlfriend and making veiled threats against the host.  I did not warn him.  I will not lecture him like he is some kind of misbehaving school child, I just took what I thought was appropriate action.  Since straightarrow is so insistent that I am nothing but a mouthpiece for the NRA, from now on, anytime he visits my blog, it will redirect him directly to NRA.  No need for him to receive his propiganda filtered through this place, when he can get it right from the source.

UPDATE: I’ve determined through logs that I have one, possibly two other readers on the same IP subnet as straightarrow.  Since these readers have never commented, I will deal with this issue differently, and will disable the redirect.

American Hunters and Shooters Nonsense

Last week Traction Control did a great fisking of John Rosenthal, board member of American Hunters and Shooter Association (and also a founder of Stop Handgun Violence, a Massachusetts gun control group) claims of NRA lies.

Now Bitter rips apart another AHSA press release claiming all manner of things about the NRA.  Give both a read.  It’s important to make sure gun owners are not fooled by these shucksters.