Get Angry, and Get Even

So one-gun-a-month passed, and will no doubt be signed into law by Governor Corzine with fanfare.  New Jersey gun owners, by now, are used to their politicians crapping on them.  But this one was different.  It was different because we held this bill off in the Senate for months, embarrassed and enraged Bryan Miller several times, through a bipartisan coalition of Senators that prevented the bill from having enough votes to pass.

That changed last night.  Governor Corzine put everything he had on the line to break that coalition, and he convinced Fred “One-Gun-A-Month” Madden to abandon gun owners, and abandon his oath to uphold The Constitution.  Madden must be made to feel some heat over this vote.  He will be up for re-election in 2011.

But Corzine is an entirely different weasel.  Madden might have snatched the carrot, but Corzine is the man who dangled it in front of him.  As everyone knows, Corzine is up this November.  So this leaves New Jersey gun owners will some objectives:

  1. You need to get rid of Corzine.  I don’t care how much you think Chris Christie is imperfect on gun rights (and he is).  You must show you can punish Corzine for using gun owners as a political punching bag.  If the SS Corzine sinks in the Atlantic, the rats who jumped on board his ship will have a tougher time politically.
  2. Speaking of rats, Fred Madden needs to lose his seat.  If you live in his district, volunteer for his opponents campaign.  If you live near his district, volunteer for his opponents campaign.  If you live too far from his district to volunteer, send money.  Again, it doesn’t really matter how pro-gun his opponent is, as long as his opponent isn’t a wildly mad gun hater, the goal needs to be to show the gun vote can hurt Madden.

If gun owners in New Jersey can do those two things, they might be able to promote some fear of the gun vote in Trenton.  Corzine has essentially convinced them that they have nothing to fear from gun owners in New Jersey.  True, there are only about a million gun owners in The Garden State, but if you could just get half of those gun owners to vote like gun owners, get involved, and get active, those in Trenton would fear you.  NRA and ANJRPC’s job is now done.  They’ve done all they can do.  The rest is up to New Jersey gun owners.

Fix This

It seems I can no longer carry in Nevada.  State authorities really shouldn’t jerk license holders around like this, because someone isn’t going to get the memo and will end up arrested.  Nevada needs to pass universal reciprocity if their state officials can’t behave themselves.

New Jersey Senate Update

The Senate was supposed to go into session two hours ago, but have not yet.  This could be a good sign on the gun rationing bill, as it might mean Corzine and Cody are having difficulty coming up with the votes they need.  Keep the pressure on, because we could still get screwed.  Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Senate just went into session.

UPDATE: Novelty lighters which were clearly a threat to New Jersey citizens are now banned in the Garden State by a vote of 37-1. It is just one of many fascinating things you can learn by watching the NJ Senate video feed.

UPDATE: I’m not ready to celebrate yet, but the Senate has gone into recess until after dinner. Supposedly, they will only be voting on budget matters, nominations, and bills currently coming over from the Assembly tonight. We’ll try to keep an eye on it later or see if there’s chatter out of Trenton that gives us a reason to be happy for today.

UPDATE: According to Sen. Dick Codey, George Bush is responsible for the overspending of the NJ Legislature this year. At least it’s keeping them from voting to ration guns.

It’s also amazing that the Democrats, via Sen. Barbara Buono, are making an issue of the horrors of a Republican proposal to cut down on prison inmate wages. She argued they absolutely could not be cut, even in difficult times when the money isn’t there. A Republican with a pulse should be able to defeat her on that bizarre speech alone.

UPDATE: The Republican Senators are getting up and making impassioned stands against this bill, but my fear is that it will pass. I don’t think it would be up if it wasn’t already a done deal.

UPDATE: Some Democratic Senators, namely Ronald Rice of Newark, don’t seem to have ever heard of Heller, and are still saying the Second Amendment is a collective right about the National Guard.

UPDATE: It’s 12:12AM, and I’m listening to the New Jersey Senate, so you don’t have to.  It’ll be great if we prevail this evening.  But I am not optimistic.  Republicans wouldn’t be piling on like this against the bill if they didn’t know it was going to pass.

UPDATE: Senator M. Teresa Ruiz — vote her out!  She does not honor her oath to uphold the Constitution.  Senator John A. Girgenti can go join her in private life.  “The right to bear arms is subject to restrictions.”  “You need more than 12 guns a year to protect yourself?  I don’t even understand that.”

UPDATE: Senator Loretta Weinberg says “You will have a right to bear 12 guns as arms. […] more than enough to compile a complete arsenal.   This bill merely limits the proliferation of guns in the state of New Jersey.”

UPDATE: I would just like to note that Richard Codey is a grade A, USDA pure asshole.  He lives up to his name.

UPDATE: Senator Cunningam “Justice Scalia was clear that this kind of legislation was constitutional.”  “Our streets are filled with illegal handguns.”   No Senator, your streets are filled with illegal criminals.  “Would we need bulletproof vests if we did not have handguns on the streets?”   Do you really think you can keep criminals from getting handguns, such that our police officers can walk around protecting themselves with rainbow farting unicorns?

UPDATE: 12:23AM.   Passed 21 yeah, and 15 nea.  New Jersey is now a one-gun-a-month state.  I will have more later, including which Senators betrayed the Second Amendment.  My message to New Jersey gun owners is don’t get mad… get even.  You will have that opportunity come November.  Vote the bastards out!

UPDATE: Watching the New Jersey Senate cannot be done without drinking.  It really does help.  A lot.  There’s not much that makes me proud to be Pennsylvanian, but watching what goes on in Trenton is one of those things.

UPDATE: Your battle cry is Fred “One-Gun-A-Month” Madden.  I will explain later.  This man needs to feel the pressure from gun owners.

Divisive Issue

Prof. Reynolds wonders why people still think the Second Amendment is a divisive issue.  If you’re a Democrat, it’s true.  The GOP has pretty effectively used the issue as a wedge to stop a couple of bills, and get the Democrats bickering at each other.  This has played to our advantage on the issue as a whole, but I don’t blame Democrats for thinking the issue is divisive.  For their party, it is.

Related Posts

After noticing that I attract a fair amount of traffic from Google that tends to stick around for a little while, I thought it would be smart to install a “Related posts” plugin, to help people who wander on to the site do a little more reading.  So yesterday we moved to WordPress 2.8, and I installed the plugin.  Their new version caches relations, which the old version did not do.  I had been thinking about installing this plugin for a while, but Bitter runs it on her food blog, and it’s very hard on MySQL without caching.  Now that they’ve fixed the problem, I decided to give it a try.

New Jersey Alert

Corzine is attempting to make guns a big issue in this election, and in that vain, there’s going to be a vote today on one-gun-a-month.  NRA is urging people to contact their Senators today.  Scott Bach is also calling Corzine out for trying to distract voters from his horrible mismanagement of the state.

Here’s my analysis of the game that Corzine is playing.  Gun politics in New Jersey is difficult.  The vast majority of the state are not gun owners, and have no familiarity with them.  Figures on household gun ownership are as low as 14%, whereas the rest of the country hovers closer to 40%.  Politicians that court the gun vote in the Garden State have to be careful not to come off as radical to the rest of the state.  It’s a fine balancing act that’s hard to manage, and Corzine is hoping to push Christie off the balance beam.

The last thing Corzine wants is for Christie to be able to count on the gun vote in the election.  By forcing a vote on one-gun-a-month, he’s going to try to force Christie to take a stand on it.  Take a stand against it, and the majority of New Jersians who are not gun owners will think he’s a radical conservative.  Take a stand in favor of it, you can count on gun owners to stay home on election day.  What New Jersey gun owners can do is help give their local politicians, and Chris Christie, some cover to either take the issue head on, or at least dodge it.  Send letters to the editor.  Talk about how Corzine is using this silly gun issue to distract from his mismanagement of the state’s finances.  Call your state rep and Senators and tell them the same thing.  Tell them not to play along with the governor’s beating up on gun owners, and to get back to fixing the state’s finances.  The only way gun owners are going to keep Christie on the reservation is to give him some cover.  Corzine is showing he’s going to make guns an issue in this election, and it is imperative to make sure it’s Corzine, and not Christie, who ends up on the wrong side of the issue.

You Should Care

I’m blown away by a comment over at Robb’s, from someone who is not a supporter of our cause:

You think the anti-Obama stuff is a kick because you live in a redneck area that supports that kind of thing. I think it’s nutty and out of touch because I live in area more consumed by the Iran elections. No one here cares about guns.

One reason I’m not wrapped up in it is because I think it will end tragically, and I find that to be depressing. These protests and demonstrations only continue until the regime musters the will to put it down. That they haven’t is probably because the political elite that rules Iran are using the situation to jostle for power among themselves. Once the new arrangement is worked out, and it won’t be a liberal arrangement, they’ll squash the protesters like the Chinese did at Tiananmen Square.

It takes more than rocks and harsh language to get rid of a regime who’s willing to kill its own people to preserve itself. I think this regime is willing to do that. Anyone who is “consumed by the Iran elections” should give a shit about guns, because they are about to see what a people with no guns does in the face of a government that has them.  Submit or die.  Those are your two choices.  An armed population doesn’t guarantee you won’t end up doing the latter, but it can absolutely prevent the former form being a choice, and the people just might end up taking out enough of the totalitarian thugs that they run out of men to send.

The only way things will end well for Iranian liberals is for the regime to split, and for half the men with guns to stop taking orders from the government.  I’ve seen no indication of this happening yet in Iran.


Maybe it fits with the portrait The Brady Campaign tries to paint of the NRA as a grand puppeteer, in some kind of odd Second Amendment version of Being John Malkovich, but from what I’ve seen of the 7½th floor, it’s kind of laughable that they think NRA exerts such remarkable discipline over 76 Board members:

Up to now, the NRA has instead taken a more timid official line against Judge Sotomayor, while apparently outsourcing a much harsher line of attack to members of its Board of Directors who speak on behalf of other organizations which have comparatively little to do with guns.

Emphasis mine.  I doubt this has much to do with a stealthy, plasuably deniable attack so much as Board members speaking out on their own on behalf of their other interests.

We’ll see during Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings how much stock, if any, NRA officials take in their legendary influence over Congress — this time, whether they have the spine to score Senators on a vote that really matters.

I think the Bradys are attempting to draw the NRA into a fight it’s likely going to have a hard time winning, in order to try to sell Congress on the notion that NRA’s bark is worse than its bite.

Smoker Bleg

I am considering getting a smoker, so Bitter and I can make our own BBQ.  I’ve had a few recommendations.  Caleb suggests the Traeger line, but I’m looking for something a bit more application specific, since I already have a grill.  I was thinking about buying this electric smoker.  I figured electric would maintain a constant temperature better, and I’d only have to add new wood chips, rather than also having to add charcoal constantly.

But I have to admit that I know almost nothing about smokers, short of you put in wood chips, water, and somehow through heat and time this is transformed into BBQ.  Is an electric smoker a sin in the eyes of BBQ?  I do not wish to be a heretic.  I figure among all the guns nuts out there, someone has to be able to help a dumb yankee figure the ins and outs of smokers and BBQ.