A Peek At the Playbook?

Ilya Somin might have given us a hint at what Obama’s Administration might be centrally planning:

Interest group pressure has already played a key role in the congressional vote on the finance industry bailout, and it is likely to be equally important in structuring the massive future bailouts to come. Once Obama takes office, we are likely to see some $500 billion to 1 trillion in additional bailout spending – and that may be just for starters. Interest groups will play a major role in allocating this money, and they are already ramping up their lobbying efforts.

On the surface this sounds pretty bad, and it is.  It’s well established that central planning of an economy is folly, and these fools are arrogant enough to think they can do it.  But I am actually somewhat relieved if this is the kind of crap that Obama will be driving through Congress.  It won’t engender a large amount of public support, and will be relatively easy for successive Administrations and Congresses to undo.  The real fear (well, other than new gun control, for our purposes) is that Obama will pass a massive new entitlement program, such as national health care.  Entitlements are nearly impossible to get rid of once they are in place, so if Obama and Emanuel wants to waste taxpayer money by sending tax dollars to inefficient industries, rather than passing new entitlement, all the power to him.  It will make rallying public opposition that much easier.

Is It Reality?

Linoge looks a pretty whaky example of an Obama supporter and concludes that the administration is certainly heading down the path for re-education of all us gun clinging cousin humpers.  I can’t say that I really find it persuasive in terms of indicating where The Administration is headed, when you have folks on our side threatening journalists and anti-gun supporters with consequence on the day of reckoning that is certainly fast approaching.

There are extremes on all sides.  Part of the reason our system works is that it tends to dull extremes.  The ship of state does not turn on a dime.  The captain can throw the rudder hard to port as much as he wants, but unless successive administrations do it, it’s hard to execute a sharp turn in either direction.  Because our system is slow to change, it takes a serious consensus among the people in order to keep it moving in any one direction.

Given that there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of actual change going on, I think it’s safe to say that the re-education camps, at best, will be a second term project.  I’m not saying we’re not going to get some really bad policies and legislation out of this Congress and this Administration, but we’ve seen all this before.  My problem with hyperbole, and I do think it’s hyperbole, is that while it might be emotionally satisfying, it’s not entirely useful for actually rebuilding the coalitions we’re going to need to defeat this.  Fear is a powerful motivator, but I think what this administration has actually been proposing is plenty scary enough to get people motivated.

Add me to the List

Tam is overqualified for public office based on her results from this Civic Literacy Test, which apparently our elected officials did not so well on.  I scored 33 out of 33, so I’m clearly not destained for public office either.  I’ll have to try hard to reduce my competence if I want to have a future in politics.

The Coveted Horiuchi Endorsement

By HS Precision?  Let’s hope they have no idea what Lon Horiuchi was responsible for.  I also hold out the possibility this could be a hoax.  After all, it’s not wise to believe everything on the Internet at face value.

UPDATE: Someone is reporting the company is confirming the endorsement.

UPDATE: It is no hoax.  Add HS Precision to the list of gun companies I won’t be sending money to.  Do any of these companies actually think before acting?

UPDATE: Joe mentions that McMillan makes some great stocks, and to the best of our knowledge don’t associate with people who murder women.

Safe Purchased

I have purchased a gun safe, with delivery scheduled for tomorrow.  It is a Liberty Franklin 35 in black marble finish.  I got a pretty good price on it.  I have a fair amount of work to do to prepare for its arrival.  I’m hoping that a quality safe will keep my guns safe from theft and fire, but equally important will help deal with the problem of moisture rusting my guns.

Pittsburgh Adopts Lost & Stolen

City Council voted for the measure yesterday.  This really gets my goat:

“Who really cares about it being unconstitutional?” said Councilwoman Tonya Payne. “This is what’s right to do, and if this means that we have to go out and have a court battle, then that’s fine … We have plenty of dead bodies coming up in our streets every single day, and that is unacceptable.”

So we get to disregard limits on government just because one City Councilwoman things it’s “what’s right to do?”  There was a time when people thought that holding slaves was the right thing to do.  We properly did away with that with the 13th Amendment.  Then some people thought that making African-Americans second class citizens was “the right thing to do.”  The Fourteenth Amendment, and the several Civil Rights Acts that were passed under its authority, put that sorry bit of history behind us.

Our state and federal constitutions are an individual’s only defense against the predations of politicians who think they know what’s right for other people.  One thing you shouldn’t do in society that properly limits government power is to create crimes that reverse the burden of proof from the state to the accused, because the authorities just know that a certain person must be guilty.

Straw purchasing is already a serious crime.  Either the state has the evidence it needs to meet its burden of proof, or it does not.  What you don’t get to do is to pass another law that allows prosecution to proceed on a technicality, based on an assumption of guilt for the more serious crime.  Someone who is not guilt of straw buying will end up with a hefty fine, and or will spend time in jail because of this ordinance.  This is not how our system of justice is supposed to function.

Blue Trail Back in the News

Looks like a state police investigation has determined the bullets that were hitting houses had to have come from Blue Trail:

“It’s the same report every single time,” Pasquale “Pat” DiNatale, a Durham homeowner whose property has been struck by bullets over the years, said Friday. “It’s always the same conclusion, but no one ever does anything. When does it stop? When do they do something?”

Ah yes, the same developer we’ve been dealing with before.  Who’s home, I might add, is in the ballistic shadow of the mountain ridge.  Trimountain road is also largely in the ballistic shadow of the mountain ridge.  It’s certainly possible that rounds fired from Blue Trail Range are hitting these homes, but it’s unlikely.

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

The rain is interfering with me getting my leaves off my lawn, since they don’t blow nicely.  I am sick of rain.  In Southeastern Pennsylvania, it’s been a very wet fall.  Today I attended a Bris Milah for my friend Jason’s newly born son.  For those of you who don’t know what a Bris is, it’s essentially ritual penis choppery, followed by singing in Hebrew, then eating many varieties of smoked fish, and sweet things.  Those of us born in the 70s and who weren’t Jewish only got the choppery, and no food.  Clearly we were gypped.

Before the Bris, Bitter and I went to Babies R’ Us to find age appropriate toys.  Disappointed that they didn’t have “Baby’s First Submachine Gun Upper,” which would have been fun for the whole family, we decided to get a few newborn baby things, and a giant stuffed alien that is larger than the baby.  If he grows up to believe he was once abducted, it will be my fault.  But I couldn’t pass up a stuffed alien.  I just had a rabbit and a dog as a kid.  Toy designers are much more imaginative these days.  Speaking of crap that I wish they had when I was a kid, I can’t figure out whether I would have thought this was the coolest toy ever, or would have been scared to death of it.  If they end up making a model that will walk, I might have to think about kids just so I can buy one.