Domestic Terrorists

These people need to be hunted down like dogs and thrown in jail.

While a spokesman said he didn’t know who committed the act, the Animal Liberation Front called the attacks a “necessary” act, just like those who fought against civil rights injustices. Spokesman Dr. Jerry Vlasak showed no remorse for the family or children who were targeted.

“If their father is willing to continue risking his livelihood in order to continue chopping up animals in a laboratory than his children are old enough to recognize the consequences,” said Vlasak, a former animal researcher, who is now a trauma surgeon. “This guy knows what he is doing. He knows that every day that he goes into the laboratory and hurts animals that it is unreasonable not to expect consequences.”

The Santa Cruz Police Department said it was “unconscionable” for anyone to defend such acts.

As someone who works in the pharmaceutical industry, I agree.  This kind of research not only help people, but animals as well.  Every drug on the market today was tested on animals (and people too, which the ALF loonies never seem to mention).

Authorities suspect that an animal rights group created the list, which warned: “Animal abusers everywhere beware; we know where you live; we know where you work; we will never back down until you end your abuse.”

Any biomedical researcher in the Philadelphia area who would like to learn how to defend yourself with a firearm, send me an e-mail.

Hat Tip to Thirdpower

Inquirer Article on Mary McFate

The Philly Inquirer naturally couldn’t resist covering this one:

“She must be very good at what she does, because a whole bunch of very smart people were completely hoodwinked by this,” said Diane Edbril, CeaseFire PA’s executive director between 2004 and 2007.

Edbril hosted McFate at her Radnor home in July 2007, when McFate flew up from her home in Sarasota to attend a CeaseFire PA board meeting.

“She was in my guest room. Was she looking through stuff in my house?” Edbril was asking herself yesterday.

Ona Hamilton, whose local Million Mom March group evolved into CeaseFire PA in 2002, asked McFate to be on CeaseFire PA’s first board. McFate at the time was a board member for Pennsylvanians Against Handgun Violence. Hamilton said McFate would rail against her fellow board members in that organization for being too soft on the NRA, Hamilton said.

The article later goes on to suggest that many feel she still helped the movement a good deal through hard work and good ideas.  As I said previously, that would be the main problem I would have doing something like this.  I’m not willing to help the other side to the degree needed to get that kind of information.

Nonetheless, as much as I might be sympathetic with Diane Edbril’s feelings of betrayal, attempting to destroy part of the Constitution of the United States and part of the Constitution of this commonwealth isn’t trivial business.  I am willing to accept quite a lot of harsh tactics, within the bounds of the law, in order to preserve it.

More on McCarthy Gun Seizure

War on Guns has a very detailed post up on what happened to one of Carolyn McCarthy’s constituents who had his guns seized after exercising his first amendment rights to petition the Congresswoman for a redress of grievances.

We covered this a bit here, and pointed out last week that this whole incident has Tom King, who is normally a pretty easy going guy, up in arms.  Or maybe I should say reasonably agitated, since they tend to be a bit touchy up there.

Text of H.R.6691 Available

The text of HR6691, the Bill by the House Democrats to enforce the Heller decision on the District of Colombia is H.R.6691.  No surprises, really.  It’s actually a bit better than the Republican version, since it allows DC residents to obtain firearms in Maryland and Virginia.  NFA stuff will still be illegal in DC, and it does not address prohibition on carrying firearms.  I call that a good start, so hopefully we can get this through Congress before the elections.

What Obama will Bring

For the past eight years, we’ve generally been able to stop this nonsense from happening:

At the outset of that gathering, U.S. representatives indicated that they would not accept any final agreement that mentioned ammunition, civilian possession of small arms or transfers to nonstate actors. Although not the only obstacle, the United States’ positions were viewed as a major cause for the meeting’s failure.

If Obama is elected, we will be enthusiastically participating in this UN scheme to disarm the people of the world.

Daley Giving Up?

There’s speculation that he’s considering it, but I he’s playing games too:

Chicagoans with guns in their homes might be required to have insurance to protect taxpayers from frivolous lawsuits, he said.

“We’re talking about putting first-responders in a very, very delicate position of people being armed without being notified how many guns they have in their homes,” Daley said. “We have to be able to fashion a law that truly protects first-responders and protects the citizens.”

Requiring gun owners to have some ridiculous amount of insurance is not a new tactic.  But expect it, and others like it, to get dragged out of the basement and dusted off as politicians and gun control advocates look for new/old ways to discourage gun ownership.

New Shooter

I had the pleasure of introducing a newbie to the joys of shooting today.  My former girlfriends’ younger brother was only 9 or so when I first met him, but he recently graduated from high school, and was out visiting his sister.  He wanted to go shooting, so I decided to take him to the club’s plinking range.

I still stand by the AR-15 as a great rifle for the introduction of enthusiastic beginners.  For people more timid about shooting, the .22LR is a better choice.  I loaded up 50 rounds for Jason, and we went through all of them.  We went through 30 more rounds with the AK-74, and a few rounds with my Mk.II and Glock.

His mom is going to want to kill me, because I know she doesn’t like guns, and now he wants to buy a rifle.  Hopefully he can find a range or club in Iowa that can help him get started.

Quote of the Day

From Glenn Reynolds on the 2008 Bejing Olympics:

I won’t be going, and I don’t plan to watch. The Olympics are a fount of corruption and chicanery anyway, upholding no ideals and promoting no good ends anyway. Plus, they’re boring.

I won’t be watching either.  Even the shooting events.  What the Chinese government is doing is a disgrace.  The only thing more disgraceful is the IOC’s capitulation.  China should not be permitted to host another Olympics until it cleans up its human rights record.  What’s next?  Havana Olympics?