More on PA Sasquatch

Some cable news coverage of our Sasquatch controversey on MS-NBC.  Keith Olbermann starts off, quite properly, making fun of this case, and stating the PGC’s position on the issue, but then presents a completely one sided interview which holds open the possibility there’s something behind this.


The Pennsylvania Game Commission’s statement on this: “There is no question it is a bear with a severe case of mange” should have been the last word on this.  But I guess a good bigfoot story was too juicy to pass up for the main stream media.  I’ll take the word of PGC biologists over Bob Kiviat or Keith Olberman any day of the week.

More on Philadelphia Police Casualties

Eric has a quite excellent post about the recent spate of police officer shootings in the City of Philadelphia:

What is happening with guns in the City of Brotherly Love? Philadelphia may be the City of Brotherly Love, but it’s also the City of Mumia abu Jamal, hardly known for what Mayor Street calls “respect for authority.” Yet he is considered a hero by many, and that makes me wonder under what standard police shooters are to be condemned.

I think the gun control mindset is inextricably related to the view that criminals should not be locked up.

And the view that locking them up makes no difference.

So I’d like to pose a counter-question:

Do you think letting people out is making a difference?

Read the whole thing.  As Eric updated on his post, Officer Cassidy died as a result of his wound.  Again, if you’d like to donate to the memorial fund for his family:

The Charles Cassidy Family Memorial Trust Fund
901 Arch Street
Philadelphia PA, 19107

I will be sending along a donation as soon as I find my damned checkbook.

But I’m a Girl!

Breda takes Hillary to task for her excuses about her debate performance.  I’ve honestly never been able to understand Hillary’s appeal to women.  I’ve heard more than a few women say they’ll vote for her because she’s a woman and a feminist.

She’s a woman who’s made her political career riding on her much more politically talented husband’s coattails, while other women were busy riding other parts of Bill.  Someone explain to me what’s feminist about that?

Philly Media

I’ve documented many instances of the Philadephia media being vile, but this is a whole new low. There’s very little that’s worse these days than the local television news programs, especially in this town.

UPDATE: The officer involved in that shooting didn’t make it.

UPDATE: Wyatt is asking folks to link this:

Members of the Philadelphia Police Department’s 35th District have established a trust fund for the family of Police Officer Chuck Cassidy, who was killed in the line of duty on Thursday, November 1, 2007 .

Anyone wishing to make a donation can do so in the following ways:

By mailing a check payable to:

The Charles Cassidy Family Memorial Trust Fund
901 Arch Street
Philadelphia PA, 19107

Donations can be made in person as well. Click on the link for details.

Weak Arguments

I’m actually rather surprised by this latest from Paul Helmke, attacking the fact that the US citizenship test accepts the right to bear arms as an answer to the question “What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?”:

Next, the USCIS neglects eight out of the ten Amendments in the Bill of Rights, including: the right to be secure in our “persons, houses, papers and effects” (Fourth); the right against self-incrimination (Fifth); the right to a speedy and public trial (Sixth); and the right to a trial by jury (Seventh). With so many rights to choose from, it’s as if the USCIS got tired of reading the whole Constitution.

Finally, the “right to bear arms” is, in fact, not available to “everyone living in the United States.” While the U.S. Supreme Court is being asked to revisit this matter in the DC vs. Heller case, the vast majority of the courts have previously ruled that the right of the people to keep and bear arms must be related to service in a well-regulated militia. In addition, well-established and unchallenged Federal law prohibits “many living in the United States,” including juveniles, felons and the dangerously mentally ill (among other categories) from legally possessing guns.

Of all the arguments to make, why pick on the citizenship test?  Regardless of what Paul thinks the second amendment does, or doesn’t mean, a 2003 Gallup/NCC poll found that 68% of Americans believed that the second amendment protects a right to keep and bear arms.  Only 28% believed the Brady interpretation.  Most constitutional scholars these days have rejected that interpretation as well.

I’ll agree with Paul that there should probably be more correct answers on that list, but why penalize new immigrants to this country because they hold similar views as the rest of their countrymen, and because they can read the plain language of the constitution which guarantees that right to the people.

It seems to me the Brady’s could find better uses of their blog other than nitpicking the citizenship test to penalize new immigrants for offering a reasonable answer they happen not to like.  And here I thought the right were the ones who were anti-immigration.

McCain Revival

Target Rich Environment points to an AP article that suggest McCain might make a comeback:

 “Lots of people pronounced him dead on the table. It’s fair to say he went into a vegetative state. Now, he’s clearly showing signs of life,” said Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster unaligned in the race who once declared McCain politically dead. “It’s still a long shot, but less of a long shot than it was four months ago.”

Despite my problems with Rudy and Mitt, and my disappointment that Fred can’t seem to get his act together, there’s no way in holy hell I’m voting for John McCain unless he repents for his role in McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, and starts working to repeal it.