Using the Ballot

Initiative 594 is gaining in Washington State. This would enact a Schumer-style ban on handing a firearm to someone else for purposes of instruction, etc, without a background check. Ace of Spades had a very astute observation on this phenomena, only in this case in the context of Obamacare:

It has long been my contention that it makes no sense to poll questions simply about the “goodies” of Obamacare, like “do you support free health care for the poor or sick.” Everyone’s in favor of that. Including myself.

Yes, I’m in favor of that, and so are all of you – if we do not ask the question in connection with the costs. Of course I’d like everyone to have free health care; in fact, since we’re asking about things I just want, I’d strongly prefer to live in a disease-free world where no one ever gets sick at all.

But questions of policy are only answerable in consideration of the costs. Do I favor a manned mission to Mars? You bet I do. Do I favor such a mission, if it costs $60 billion over ten years? No, I don’t.

And for a polling company to ask the question without asking about my sensitivity to the cost of it, and then to report me as being in favor of it, is misleading and stupid.

You can only gauge someone’s actual support for a policy by informing that person of the likely costs they’ll be forced to bear to have that policy. But for four years, virtually everyone in a position of responsibility sought to hide those costs from the public.

That’s the problem with this issue as well. Polling on background checks amounts to no more than an affirmation that people don’t want criminals to get their hands on guns. But public polling on this issue never speaks of the costs of doing so, such as not being able to engage in firearms instruction in some circumstances, going to jail if you lend a rifle or shotgun to a friend to go hunting or shooting, or being unable to leave guns with a friend if you’re experiencing some kind of personal crisis. I 594 is likely to pass, because like public polling, the ballot question will never explain the costs.

Federal Ban on Printing Guns?

Chucky Schumer wants to put the cat back in the bag:

“If the legislation is not renewed, individuals will be able to easily carry a 3D plastic gun through a metal detector and gain access to an airplane, school, sporting event, courthouse or other government buildings,” Schumer said in a statement.

And how is this going to stop that? This is about as effective as a “no guns” sign. The cat is out of the bag here, and it’s not going back in.

Schumer raised alarm bells, saying anyone with $1,000 and an internet connection can access those CAD files and make their own guns, making it too easy to bypass security at airports, sporting events or any other venue that relies on metal detectors or x-ray machines for security.

And that will still be true even after you pass a law. So what is this going to do? Other than land people with a little too much curiosity for their own good in prison. Is it really so hard to understand that people intent on bypassing airport screening tend to be what we call “highly motivated” criminals, and are thus the least likely to be dissuaded by the fact that there’s a law against hitting “Print”

h/t Jacob

Wednesday News Dump

It’s a busy week for me, but I still have some news in the tabs:

Just when you think his 15 minutes is over … I think I’d consider joining a monastic order if I were him.

They ban lead ammunition, and then tell us the alternatives are ‘armor piercing’. The EPA and lead opponents are also putting the squeeze on copper in addition to lead.

Why are anti-gunners so violent?

Jeff Soyer also has another “I’m a gun owner, but…” story.

Josh Prince has an update on the Erie case in Pennsylvania. This is very important case because if this goes pear shaped, it’ll significantly weaken preemption.

The Pottstown, PA Police Athletic League is raffling off a Tavor. But I thought cops were on their side?

Miguel highlights a proposed 28th Amendment repealing the 2nd. It’s laughable. It says I get to assess a 4% income tax. On who?

Banning private transfers is rearing it’s ugly head in New Mexico. The Dems are going to try to do this in every state they control.

Dave Hardy highlights an interesting study by Yale sociologists.

At least one police chief isn’t so keen on weapon-mounted flashlight. Well, there’s going to be that temptation to use the gun as a flashlight.

Home made submachine guns seized in Australia. Gun Control can never work in a technology environment where you can manufacture things like this out of your garage.

Good to see Michelle Obama helping the NRSC for 2014.

John Stossel rejected for a NYC pistol license.

I am encouraged to report increasing evidence that gun control is an old white guy’s movement.

More guns, less crime?

You’re Not Allowed to Have an Opinion

The women behind Moms Demand Action don’t believe that you’re allowed to have a voice at all. See, they are encouraged to lobby and engage in activism. But, if a pro-gun person does it, it’s classified as a case of bullying. There is no disagreement allowed in their world. Everyone must always agree, or they must be treated and punished as bullies for daring to express an alternative view.

Making Sure Your Holidays are Miserable

If your spunky little niece comes home from college for the holiday and sits down at the table to lecture the family on the benefits of Obamacare and gun control, cut her a little slack. She’s just obeying orders from her president and a billionaire businessman who wants to run her life.

Seriously, have these people ever heard of keeping politics and religion away from the dinner table at the holidays? Why are they trying to convince young people that a great way to sell their message is to annoy the hell out of everyone who just wants to celebrate Thanksgiving?

On second thought, I hope many of them will do it. Go on little lemmings and annoy your family members during this holiday season. Be a representative of overly obnoxious government intrusion into all aspects of our personal lives! It will do wonders for your cause.

More on the Anti-Hunting Rage

I want to highlight this article by Papa Delta Bravo, both because it is excellent, and because it brings up some issues that have been bothering me a lot lately:

In this age of the series of tubes, Inman’s asshole rage is sadly what passes for debate. Where there are no people except for those on your side, and those you don’t like or understand are reduced to an undesirable, collective other who embody all the things you say you stand against.

I seem to recall there was a time when people could discuss politics, even if they disagreed, without ending up resorting to childish nonsense like this. When I think about it, I first noticed it during the Bush Administration. In fact, I think the desire to have substantive discussions is what, in large part, gave birth to blogging.

Official State Firearm of Pennsylvania

There’s a move afoot to designate an official state firearm for Pennsylvania. What would it be? The Pennsylvania rifle, of course. From Sen. Richard Alloway:

I plan on introducing legislation that would designate the Pennsylvania Rifle as the official firearm of the Commonwealth.

The Pennsylvania Rifle played a vital role in the development of firearms in the 18th century and is considered the first truly American firearm.

Developed by gunsmiths in Northampton and Lancaster counties, the Pennsylvania Rifle was a long-barreled rifle that differed from any other type of firearm in existence. It was lauded not only for its exceptional accuracy and range, but also for its unique beauty and craftsmanship.

Upon its development, the Pennsylvania Rifle was widely used by frontiersman during the American fur trade and was an important tool of survival as our ancestors traveled west and south to discovered new lands.

Given the appreciation for firearms among many Pennsylvanians, I believe that it is time for the Commonwealth to acknowledge the significant heritage of the Pennsylvania Rifle.

It is my hope that designating the Pennsylvania Rifle as the Commonwealth’s official firearm will help our citizens to be aware of the substantial role that this rifle has played in the Commonwealth’s gun making traditions and in the development of America.

The Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission features a write-up on the history of the Pennsylvania rifle.

If your state doesn’t already have an official state firearm, what firearm would you pick for your state and why is that your top choice?

Federal Gun Control Legislation

The Brady Campaign is claiming that they are right on the cusp of getting a win on federal gun control legislation:

The president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence claimed momentum Tuesday in a renewed push for more stringent federal gun control regulations.

The article notes that conventional wisdom says that, um, gun control is dead for this Congress, and very likely for the next session, assuming the GOP doesn’t screw up just about every Senate race to the same degree they did 2012.

It could be argued that conventional wisdom is correct, especially with Joe Biden using the gun control group’s efforts as an example of what not to do for immigration policies.

On the other hand, Gross’s claim is that they focused on chipping away just a few of the folks who supported the Second Amendment to reach 60 votes. This is likely just a claim since he refused to name any names, but it is a reminder that gun owners in those purple, blue or just barely red states who had either Democrats or Republicans voting with us need to remind those lawmakers that they are still watching any moves they make on the gun control issue.

Less Than Sober Police Can Arrest You For Being More Sober

Did you know that in Ohio, some police officers are allowed to be on their way to legal intoxication, get in a car, drive to pull over other motorists, and arrest people who have lower BACs than the officer making the arrest? This special protection is offered through union contracts, and chiefs who have been disturbed by the double standard can’t get it removed.

This is just a reminder that it’s not just on gun issues that we see special protections for police officers who may have the authority to arrest a citizen for engaging in the same kind of behavior that isn’t hurting anyone else.

Personal Defense at a Price

Mike Bloomberg believes in guns for personal defense. Of course, he means hired guns that few can actually afford unless you’re one of the elite.

According to the NY Daily News, Bloomberg has offered his ~15 member security team who are all current NYC officers $100k salaries to retire from the force and keep working for him.

If you can’t afford $1.5 million+ every year in security detail expenses, well, then that’s just too bad.