Plaxico Burris Indicted

New York Times has the story here.  I’ll be honest, I think he deserves some legal punishment for the negligent discharge.  I would even accept some jail time, because I think an ND in a crowded night club because you don’t know how to properly carry your gat is worth some punishment.  But if I were on the Grand Jury, I would have voted to no bill him and let him walk.  While I think Burris ought to be punished for irresposible gun handling, carrying a firearm for personal protection is his right, and New York City infringes on that right, and is looking to make an example of Burris, lest the rest of us peons get it in our head we have a right to defend ourselves outside the blessings of the City of New York and Michael Bloomberg.

Not Sure About This Idea

North Dakota is issuing a two tiered permitting system, one that requires training and one that does not.  Presumably the license with the training endorsement will win reciprocity agreements with more states, while the endorsement would not be required to carry in North Dakota itself.

Seems like an interesting idea, but I’m not sure whether it’s a good one.  How many potential reciprocal states would want to deal with the two tiered system?  Will enough people opt for the endorsed license to get reciprocity that the non-training license would be subject to elimination?  Pennsylvania has no training requirement, and has still managed to get reciprocity with about 23 states.  But Minnesota is right next door to North Dakota, and only does reciprocity with states that have similar licensing requirements.  I suspect Minnesota reciprocity might be what this is aimed at.

DiFi Looking to Expand Prohibited Persons

She’s introducing a bill to prohibit foreign felons from possessing firearms, regardless of whether the foreign country in question has the same due process protections as American Court.  Recall that in 2005, in the case of Small vs. US, the Court said that “convicted in any court” did not apply to foreign courts.  Just thinking of some famous cases where DiFi’s prohibition would apply:

  1. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, served time in a Soviet gulag for being an enemy of the State.
  2. Francis Gary Powers. convicted in a Soviet Court and sentenced to hard labor for spying after his U2 was shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960.
  3. Laura Ling and Euna Lee, convicted of spying on North Korea after being kidnapped from China.

I, for one, am glad that finally DiFi is protecting us against enemies of the State, and welcome our new police state overlords.  Of course, Feinstein’s bill has an exception in it:

except that a foreign conviction shall not constitute a conviction of such a crime if the convicted person establishes that the foreign conviction resulted from a denial of fundamental fairness that would violate due process if committed in the United States or from conduct that would be legal if committed in the United States’.

And how exactly does the convicted person establish this?  In court after he’s been arrested and charged for being a felon in possession?  After a NICS denial?  Is the Attorney General empowered to create a process here?  No.  This is a meaningless exemption without some kind of idea of how the exemption is asserted.  DiFi isn’t stupid.  She wouldn’t write up a bill with an actual process, because that wouldn’t create an ever growing class of people who can’t exercise their Second Amendment rights.

UPDATE: Thinking more about it, if DiFi is so peeved at Small, why is she passing a law where Small would have eventually fallen under the exemption anyway.  In fact, it’s hard to say what foreign convictions would qualify, since many Civil Law jurisdictions don’t do trial by jury, and don’t allow, for instance, confronting your accusers in all circumstances.  Even in other Common Law jurisdictions, there can be some limitations on jury trials that don’t exist in the United States.  How much deviation would be considered enough to render the foreign conviction moot?

This really opens up a rather large can of worms for the courts when it comes to someone brought to trial for felon-in-possession where the felony is from a foreign court.  Taken literally, it would actually require American Courts to stand in judgment of the legal process of foreign courts.  It will be very difficult for people in this category to know whether they are prohibited or not, so the likely practical effect will be they are prohibited, unless they can establish as an affirmative defense that they fall under the exception when brought up on charges and brought to trial.

But I suppose that’s the idea.  Which is why I will argue the exception is virtually meaningless, and still largely amounts to a prohibition in practice, if not in strict legal fact.  Doing this “correctly” would be a significant regulatory effort, in order for people to understand what foreign convictions are prohibiting and which ones aren’t.  Aside from that, anyone with any foreign conviction, whether legitimate or not, runs the risk of being arrested, jailed, and put on trial — forced to explain why his conviction falls under the exemption.   That might be good government in DiFi’s world, but not mine.

Where is the GOP Opposition Research Team?

At the tailend of the campaign, once Pennsylvania had really started swinging blue, audio of Barack Obama threatening to bankrupt the coal industry with his energy policies was released.  Unfortunately, it was far too late to use in any meaningful way.  (While Pennsylvania’s economy isn’t quite funded by coal as much as some would assume, there is clearly a strong connection to coal in this state.)  It turns out that someone uncovered it on the San Francisco Chronicle website where it sat for eight months.

Once again, video now gets play from an SEIU healthcare forum in 2007 where Barack Obama speculates on how his healthcare plans will really just be a transition to getting people off of employer-based private healthcare and onto a public plan.  This video has been online for two years and four months.  My question is whether the GOP had that clip or not.  If they did, was there a plan to ever use it?  Because now would be a great time considering all of these tea parties keep breaking out at Congressional town hall events.  This is a great scary clip video that illustrates the ultimate goal of many of the proposals in Congress.  I can understand if they were sitting on the clip until a certain strategic point, but given the coal example, I have little faith in their research results.  Do we need to send more interns down to DC to help them out?

Rahm Cracks the Whip on Media Executives

As the media love begins to cool from a raging boil to a slow simmer, it appears that Rahm Emanuel has gone straight to the top to secure more White House-controlled coverage for President Obama.  When networks questioned whether to air his last press conference, he dipped into his bag of Chicago tricks and went to executives of parent companies to force compliance in airing the primetime speech.

Blogs Take the Blame

I did not realize that blogs were the new scapegoat for every rumor in the gun industry, but apparently that is our new role.  Today’s Outdoor Wire reports that blogs were a source of crazy rumors about Daniel Defense on Friday and throughout the weekend.  I turned to Sebastian and asked if he had even heard of Daniel Defense, muchless remembered reading anything about them this weekend because I certainly did not.  He did not.

The first thing I need to handle is rumor control. I know the blogosphere was rolling Friday and through the weekend with the story of the demise – or impending demise- of Daniel Defense. The company that’s been known for very nicely done AR-15 accessory rails and other parts had jumped into the hot complete-AR rifle market with both feet, adding a barrel-machine and other capital investments to allow them to market their own, branded Daniel Defense rifles. …

As a company official told Rich, the rumors of their demise is “complete BS.”

I checked Uncle’s site – nothing.  I checked the go-to blog for industry news, The Firearm Blog – nothing.  So if Uncle didn’t hear about it as one of the largest linky-love gun blogs, and if Steve who focuses specifically on the industry-related news didn’t hear about it, who in the blogosphere was spreading this rumor?  It’s research time.

A Google blog search shows exactly one result for any news about Daniel Defense’s bad fortunes.  I found one forum hit.  One.  And it was not a blog, it was a forum.  That forum hit also did not say that Daniel Defense was going out of business, merely reporting that they furloughed employees, which is exactly the story that Jim confirmed in today’s Outdoor Wire.  When I searched the general web for any other potential blog hits Google may have missed, I don’t see any such rumors in many pages of search results.

This is the second time in a month that Jim has used the blogosphere as a scapegoat for the rumor mill when I could find no evidence to back up the claims.  If any readers find evidence that the blogosphere was responsible for spreading rumors about the demise of Daniel Defense this weekend, please share it, and I will make the correction.  In the meantime, I find the claims dubious.  One forum hit that merely discusses the fact that Daniel Defense really did furlough their workers does not justify the wording in TOW’s story to lay the blame on blogs.

UDPATE: Uncle just found weekend hit number two – again, a forum.  And once again, as I read through it, it’s all about the confirmed information from the CEO of Daniel Defense who did an interview with the local paper.  Still looking for that big bad blog rumor…

Protecting the President

Via Breda we have this controversy that seems to be based on the fact that certain people on the right seem to be rather shocked that the Secret Service protects the President with guns, and tends to roll with an impressive amount of firepower.   The accusation here seems to be that the Secret Service guy muzzled the crowd, and we even have a very grainy photo as proof.  I’m not sure I agree with Breda that this is different than the Counter Assault Team.  In fact, I tend to believe that’s what people in the crowd saw.  This kind of firepower isn’t new either.  Look at this video from the 1981 assassination attempt against President Reagan:


The Secret Service agent who suddenly springs fourth an Uzi submachine gun is one of the iconic images of the Reagan assassination attempt.  I don’t think this is a good example of Obama’s administration being out of control.  In fact, I think it’s a bit hysterical.  Just because it comes from people on the right doesn’t make it any less so.

I want the Secret Service to do a good job of protecting Obama, and everyone who values their gun rights should feel the same way.   The Gun Control Act of 1968 was largely spurned by the assassination of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy.  New Jersey’s draconian licensing laws date back to 1966, only two years after the assassination of President Kennedy.  Massachusetts passed licensing and registration for long guns in the wake of Bobby Kennedy’s assassination.  The Brady Act arose out of the assassination attempt on President Reagan.

Assassinations are a major impetus for federal gun control.  If the Secret Service is running heavily armed with President Obama, I don’t have a problem.  If they were indeed muzzling a crowd, that’s another matter, but I don’t think anyone has provided any proof that was the case.  What seems more likely is we’re seeing accusations from someone on the right who is hysterical about guns (we all know they exist) or someone just looking for a reason, any reason, to make Obama look bad, and has decided to manufacture a controversy where none really exists.  There are certainly examples out there one can use to make President Hope and Change look bad, but I doubt this is one of them.

Transition to New Server Complete

Snowflakes In Hell is now running on my new server, which is a Core 2 Quad 2.83 GHz machine with dual 1TB mirrored disks, and 4GB RAM.  We’ll probably go up to 8GB of RAM at some point, but for now we should be good.  The old new server will be re-provisioned to be a MythTV frontend.  You might notice the blog is a bit more responsive with the much faster server.


Bitter and I spent the weekend dog watching for my aunt, which is about an hour away.  Got up early this morning to head to the IHMSA match, normally 15 minutes away from me, but from my aunt’s, an hour.  Weather was awful.  I managed to shoot one round of air pistol before the storm from hell came in and swamped us.

Needless to say, the match was canceled after that, and considering I had to fish for the animals through a few inches of water that had collected into puddles on the range, that was probably a good thing. I didn’t get to shoot smallbore before the rain out.

The storm that passed through seems to have caused some flooding in the area. There was some pretty impressive street flooding. The National Weather Service even had a tornado warning, but I haven’t heard whether anything touched down. Fun times.