
I’ve noticed there seems to be growing interest in retro AR-15s, like this Colt SP1.  I have to admit I’m strangely attracted to the retro look, and the A1 style handguards.  One of these could end up being an impulse buy if I run across one at a show or gun store.

I’ll Play Too

The Year You Were Born

Gerald Ford becomes president of the US
Hank Aaron hits his 715th home run to beat Babe Ruth’s record

Impeachment hearings are opened against President Nixon by the House Judiciary Committee

President Nixon resigns

President Gerald Ford issues an unconditional pardon to ex-President Nixon for all federal crimes

Muhammad Ali knocks out George Foreman in the eighth round to regain the heavyweight crown in Zaire

Heiress Patty Hearst is kidnapped by and eventually joins the Symbionese Liberation Army

Dungeons & Dragons officially released

People magazine is published for the first time

Kate Moss, Alyson Hannigan, Penelope Cruz, Alanis Morissette, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ryan Seacrest are born

Oakland Athletics win the World Series

Miami Dolphins win Superbowl VIII

Philadelphia Flyers win the Stanley Cup

Blazing Saddles is the top grossing film

All the President’s Men by Bernstein and Woodward is published

“Killing Me Softly With His Song” wins Grammy for song of the year

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

I’m not going to put the year, since it’s depressing.  But hey, at least I’m not as old as SayUncle.

SHOT – American Made Styer AUG

It’s about time. There is to be already is an American made Styer AUG, and it can be had in 6.8 Remington SPC too. My friend Jason has wanted one of these for a while, and now it’s looking like it might be possible to get one for a reasonable price.

XR9 – Backwards Loading

I’m not sure what the advantages to this design are, but it looks interesting.

UPDATE: Uncle says it’s to get a longer barrel in a smaller package.  Didn’t think of that.  One thing though, is I thought it was pretty difficult to do a straight blowback operation with a cartridge as powerful as 9mm?  Hi-point does it with its 9mm pistol, but it also has a huge block of metal for a slide.  Exceptionally powerful springs in this maybe?   Is that going to be reliable enough?  Someone who knows more about gun design that I do can hopefully answer.

The Ron Paul Revolution

Ron Paul beat John McCain to come in second in Montana, with 25% of the vote.  I’m hearing his campaign thinks they have a chance at winning Alaska.

Mitt took Montana with 38%.  It seems to be that the farther Romney gets away from Massachusetts and the Northeast, where we’re all very aware of the fact that he has no soul, the better he does.

But back to Ron Paul.  His performance in Montana would indicate he has a chance of taking Alaska, but if I were to place a beer bet, I’m betting McCain takes Alaska.  What’s all this mean?  It definitely tells me is that the free state project folks picked the wrong state to try to move to.  They picked New Hampshire, when clearly Montana would be the better choice.

I actually hope all the folks who put a lot of energy, money and enthusiasm into the Paul campaign don’t get disillusioned and drop out of the process.  I am optimistic that more liberty oriented ideas can resonate with the general public, if fronted by a candidate who can carry the message.  Elections are popularity contests, and are only peripherally about ideas and policy.  We need a candidate who can win in that kind of environment, and that isn’t, and wasn’t really ever going to be Ron Paul.

Mitt it Toast

Grab a knife, and some cream cheese, because Mitt is Toast.  Being unable to win any of the big states, I’m not sure how Mitt can pull this one out.  Either candidate might be able to pull enough delegates to get on the ticket, but I don’t think anyone gets to be king maker here.  He’s fighting with Huckabee over sloppy seconds in the delegate count right now.  It was a good night to be John McCain, and a good night to be Mike Huckabee too, who did much better than anyone expected.  It would seem that Huckabee is not a candidate who should be lightly left for dead.

Quashing Some Rumors

Via Dave Hardy, I came across this article from someone who served as a POW with John McCain, refuting some of the rumors, to my mind quite disgusting rumors, that are floating around about McCain’s service.

I don’t think John McCain’s service to his country is really something that anyone can question, and the fact that some people are, with apparently false statements, is pretty lamentable.

On Moderate “Allies”

Thirdpower speaks of a commenter regularly appearing over at Tom King’s blog:

What he considers a “principled” stance is to throw gun owners he doesn’t associate with under the bus to protect his personal interests for the time being yet can’t seem to understand why we don’t like him.

I’m willing to stand with a hunter who will stand with me any day of the week, but I’m even willing to stand with a hunter who mostly just fights for his sport, as long as he doesn’t actively work against mine. I’d hardly consider that Great Britain was being a good ally to Czechoslovakia when they agreed to let Hitler gobble it up in order to have “Peace in our Time”, and it’s hard to consider a guy like this a real ally too, even a moderate one.

But I do think we need to dispense with the term “Fudd,” and drop the generally adversarial relationship we often promote with the hunting community. We need hunters, for a lot of reasons. I’m a proponent of getting them more on board with the gun rights thing, and it’s hard to do that if they see us insulting them, and denigrating their sport. We won’t get through to all of them, but I don’t see any reason to write off this important demographic in the shooting community. We may not convert this moderate “ally” into someone who sees the light, but there’s no reason not to try.

UPDATE: Pistolero has a different point of view.  I should clarify that I’m not suggesting we need to abide by hunters who just decide to be selfish and actively work against the gun rights of others.  The proper term for someone like that is gun control advocate, and they must be opposed.  My caution here is to not assume that every horse of this persuasion can’t be lead to water.  Many of them can.  That’s why I caution against terms like “Fudd” that some might see as denigrating.  If the shooting community factionalizes, we’re doomed.