HSUS Children’s Book Fail

According to Heather in Alaska, HSUS decided to write a children’s book about a cute, cuddly Grizzly Bear, and wanting to base it on a real bear, contacted Glacier National Park for some assistance. Apparently the real Grizzly the HSUS children’s story was based on went on to hunt down and eat a park employee.

Punishment: Take Away their PBR and Lululemon

Via Uncle, we learn that NYC hipsters decided to make a movie about surviving off the grid. To do so, they decided that it would be a brilliant idea to illegally kill two deer outside of deer season and without a license. Their defense is that they didn’t even know there were hunting regulations.

The crew was practicing yoga inside the farm’s main house one day when someone spotted a herd of deer in the neighboring field. They grabbed a rifle and camera and ran outside, Dickinson said.

Actor Paul Manza, a 34-year-old Brooklyn yoga instructor who plays “Paul” the yoga instructor in the film and had no prior acting or hunting experience, pulled the trigger. It was unclear who owned the rifle or whether it was registered.

The bullet pierced one deer and passed into a second one behind it, killing the first deer and wounding the second one, Manza and Dickinson said. The crew chased the second deer into the woods and shot it again to put it out of its suffering, Manza said. …

Dickinson said he didn’t think about the legality of hunting and the crew did not secure a permit for the deer hunt — but he added that the film’s publicist, Jenny Lawhorn, is currently in discussions with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Only a jackass from New York City would send a publicist to negotiate something that, according to the article, starts with a $2,000 fine and can potentially include jail time.

Not the Traditional Turkey Call

It’s not quite a case of smokin’ in the boys room, but this guy hanging out in a blind probably should haven’t been quite so public with his activities.

When Connecticut Conservation Police detected the telltale aroma of marijuana coming from a popup blind located on public land during yesterday’s turkey-hunt opener, they peeked inside and saw Raymond Lass, 22, of Bristol, with a doobie between his lips instead of diaphram call under his tongue.

Marketing Fail

I don’t even know where to start. Wyatt has the story about a Chinese company making a line of sunglasses named for Helen Keller.

He provides a punchline that I fear the company will take to heart:

The company is currently working on an FDR running shoe.

I am concerned that he just gave their marketing department a new idea.

So When is National Review Going to Fire This Guy?

I not only find the rhetoric here to be indefensible, it’s outright racist worthy of the worst the Nazis and eugenicists could be capable of producing. John Derbyshire is a writer for National Review, and my only question to them is when they are going to fire him? I am not at all opposed to honest discussions about problems in the black community. Rates of black-on-black violent crime are a serious national problem, and not a topic that should be regarded as beneath discussion, lest we offend someone. But what Derbyshire has penned at the above link just screams the kind of racism that would make Dr. Mengele proud. The worst part is, when it starts to get really bad, it just keeps going downhill. Here’s a smattering of his advice to his children in regards to race relations:

“Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.”

Well, hell, I don’t know how anyone could attend a meeting of the NAACP, or an evening at the Apollo Theater, and come out alive! I must also be hallucinating that I’ve attended protests where the majority of protesters were black, and protesting against what I was in Harrisburg to advocate, and got not so much as a suspicious look. I had to have dreamt all that!

“If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date.”

Yeah, cause you know, I regularly do this. I regularly plan to go places, but have second thoughts when I call ahead to find out what the melanin is averaging at the location that day. When the folks on the other end go silent like I’ve grown two heads, I know it’s a place to stay away from.

“Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway.”

Because we know that blacks never end up in any kind of trouble where they might need help. Just doesn’t happen. Clearly robbery is always the motive with “those people.” Those hapless negroes can take care of their own, right, Mr. Derbyshire?

“If accosted by a strange black in the street, smile and say something polite but keep moving.”

I’d suggest this advice regardless of skin melanin content, given the word “accosted.” Anyone accosts me on the streets is going to have me in condition red, regardless of whether they are black, white, red or purple.

“The mean intelligence of blacks is much lower than for whites. The least intelligent ten percent of whites have IQs below 81; forty percent of blacks have IQs that low.”

And my phrenologist assures me that my skull proportions ensure my just and deserved membership in the master race.

“There is a magnifying effect here, too, caused by affirmative action. In a pure meritocracy there would be very low proportions of blacks in cognitively demanding jobs. Because of affirmative action, the proportions are higher. In government work, they are very high. Thus, in those encounters with strangers that involve cognitive engagement, ceteris paribus the black stranger will be less intelligent than the white. In such encounters, therefore—for example, at a government office—you will, on average, be dealt with more competently by a white than by a black.”

Because those poor, stupid blacks can only compete with the master race when pity is taken on them? I mean, if this were really true, and you believe in equal protection in the eyes of the law, wouldn’t this justify affirmative action? Shouldn’t arguments against affirmative action be that it is inherently racist, by suggesting people with too much melanin can’t compete unless the playing field is forcibly leveled?

“In that pool of forty million, there are nonetheless many intelligent and well-socialized blacks.”

Not racist at all! Not at all! We can even make “Intelligent and Well-Socialized Blacks” into an acronym IWSB. We’re glad for the intelligent and well-socialized ones. I’m sure Derbyshire’s neighbors compliment him on the same character in his dog.

“Be aware, however, that there is an issue of supply and demand here. Demand comes from organizations and businesses keen to display racial propriety by employing IWSB”

“Unfortunately the demand is greater than the supply, so IWSBs are something of a luxury good, like antique furniture or corporate jets: boasted of by upper-class whites and wealthy organizations, coveted by the less prosperous.”

Yeah, because the neighbor on the next plantation always gets the best house slaves. He has money to win auctions, you know. Always have to settle for the field hands, because those house slaves are in short supply since they are a “luxury good.”

John Derbyshire’s words here certainly do not speak well of him, and the underlying thoughts they expose are among the worst instincts in human kind. If he still has a job by Monday, my opinion of National Review will take a permanent downturn. There’s a lot of authors I like over a NR, so it upsets me to see this. Taki’s Magazine should likewise be ashamed for publishing this claptrap and NR should be ashamed for every minute they continue to employ this jackass beyond the publish date of this article.

UPDATE: Looks like they’ve done the right thing.

People I Don’t Need on My Side

The Coalition to Stop Gun Ownership has recently engaged in finding random jerks on the Internet, such as people who comment on YouTube (who tend to disproportionately be jerks, on any topic, and everyone knows it.) and trying to pass them off as pro-gun activists, rather than just random jerks you can find anywhere on the Internet. This has been rather humorous in the sheer level of desperation it displays. But like a stopped clock, they occasionally find a genuine case of someone I’d really like not to be on my side:

From what I have heard, they are in big money trouble (no one else is reading them either!) and all they have left is a bunch of “B” and “C” grade “journalists” (I use that term very loosely) who are tremendously LIBERAL and ANTI-GUN. Most are queers from what I’ve heard, so they often write about promoting queers to marry in Ohio (it’s not possible to have such a union, but I hear they are for it-they stick together, these queers).

In this case, I’m glad CSGV found this guy, who runs Gunrunner Online Auctions, because I make it a policy of mine not to do business with bigots. I now know to steer clear. I don’t bemoan anyone’s opposition to gay marriage. I think it’s possible to believe in the traditional definition of marriage, and not be bigoted. But when you’re talking about what the queers are doing to the soil? Sorry, you’re  a bigot, and I don’t need you on my side.

If you want to understand the difference between our side and theirs, is that I’ll condemn what I believe is wrong, ill-spirited, and smelling of bigotry. The other side engages in it every time they display intolerance towards people who believe in a robust Second Amendment. I’ve been unsurprised this not only hasn’t drawn condemnation from more mature leaders in their movement, but is actively cheered on by its leaders! Many of the anti-gun leadership need not scour the Internet looking for jerks. All that is required to find one is to look in the nearest mirror.

A Great People in Decline

Sometimes it’s hard to believe this is the same country that weathered the blitz and defeated Hitler. I guess they were lucky the Tommys wading onto Gold, Juneau and Sword weren’t only trained up to level 1. Of course, the big fear in all this is how much deeper down the hole to we have to go before this is us.

Stupid of the Year

Apparently no one clued this guy off that it’s bullet resistant armor, as he apparently decided the best way to make sure it worked was to shoot himself in the abdomen with a 10mm Glock. I consider this to be about as smart as testing the airbags in your car by driving it into a concrete wall at 40MPH.

It’s interesting, but in the early days of kevlar body armor, the inventor convinced police the stuff worked by shooting himself with it using a .38 service revolver, which was the standard sidearm of most police at the time. I get it’s smart marketing, even if it’s stupid gun safety, but at least that guy chose a relatively modest round that was unlikely to push the armor to its limit. That pales in comparison to testing soft body armor with a round as powerful as a 10mm, though. I think I recall the shooter saying that it was a level II vest. If that’s the case, 10mm is definitely on the upper end of what that vest would have a prayer to stop. I’d say this guy is lucky.

Are These People Stupid?

You really have to wonder with some people. While the man who went on a rampage, killing some of his friends, then fled, and killed a park ranger, decided to save the taxpayers the cost of a trial, you still have people making dim witted statements as if the National Park rule allowing guns has anything to do with this:

Sunday’s fatal shooting of a Park Service ranger Margaret Anderson could have been prevented, said Bill Wade, a former superintendent of Shenandoah National Park, just outside Washington, D.C., who started his career as a professional ranger at Mount Rainier.

“The many congressmen and senators that voted for the legislation that allowed loaded weapons to be brought into the parks ought to be feeling pretty bad right now,” said Wade, whose term as chairman of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees ended Dec. 31.

Didn’t this guy end up shooting the ranger in question when he tried to run a road block? Is Bill Wade so thick in the head that he actually thinks this guys as going to notice a “No guns allowed in the park” sign and turn around, or turn his gun over to the cops rather than shooting them?

This has nothing to do with the law that allows people to carry guns in a National Park, subject to state laws. This incident would have happened just as readily had the previous rule been in place. I don’ think this is a debatable point, and anyone who tries is either being deliberately deceitful, or is a cosmic fool. I will leave it to the reader to decide which is the case in regards to Bill Wade. Neither of the possibilities are commendable.