We Must Kill Them!

Apparently at least that’s what one Chicago area reverend thinks about gun shop owners and legislators.

Nobody expected Saturday’s Operation PUSH protest at Chuck’s Gun Shop Range to be anything other than a circus of the bizarre. However, nobody anticipated that an address by a Chicago priest would include a call for the murder of a suburban gun shop owner and legislators who oppose gun control.
During an address at an anti-gun rally in front of Chuck’s, Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina’s Church, exhorted the crowd to “drag” shop owner, John Riggio, from his shop “like a rat” and “snuff” him.  Rev. Pfleger went on to tell the crowd that legislators that vote against gun control legislation should be “snuffed” as well. As many know, “snuff” is slang for especially violent murder.

In case you think the ISRA is exaggerating, you can listen to his comments here.  These are the kinds of folks we’re dealing with here.  We must pass gun control to save lives by first murdering people.

If John Riggio is anything like gun shop owners here, it would have been entertaining to see them actually try that.

He understands the issue…

… about well as he can act. Kevin Costner is following the pattern:

The Dances With Wolves star admits he loves to hunt and often heads out with his dogs and a shotgun passed down through generations of his family, but he’s the first to admit that America’s gun laws are too weak. And following the recent tragedy (Apr06) at Virginia Tech college, where English student Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people in what was the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, Costner feels that legislators should get tough with firearms owners, who refuse to accept their practices could harm others.

Chalk up one more for the “I’m a gun owner but…” campaign.  I’ll make Kevin Costner a deal.   I’ll give up my guns when he learns how to friggin act.

Nebraksa Expanding Gun Free Zones

From John Lott we learn that Nebraska is expanding its gun free zones to include college and universities, and hospitals.   I’m sure criminals and psychopaths hell bent on murder are quaking in their boots at the prospect of this new law, and will, of course, be sure to disarm themselves accordingly.

My attitude on gun free zones is quickly becoming the old mantra of “Better judged by 12 than carried by six.”  Clearly the politicians, at least in Nebraska, are delusional as far as the effectiveness of this crap.

Fool of the Day

Today’s fool is Thomas S. Markham, writing in the Walker County Register:

NRA advocates: You are simply either uniformed or misinformed about militias in the United States. I fully understand your desire to have the Second Amendment to the Constitution verify that you have the right to bear any type of weapon, at any time you choose, and in any place that you may desire, but it simply does not.

The collective rights view has been, at this point, thoroughly discredited among constitutional scholars, and the latest court rulings are merely reflecting that. Check out the literature. I think you’ll find it’s not us who are misinformed.

As many of you, I’m an old retired hunter. I own several guns. I want my grandsons to hunt, and I want them have the right to protect their homes and families. I’m probably more “on your team” than on the side of those who would ban every form of gun ownership.

You know, I’m hearing this so often now, I’m really starting to not believe it. No, you’re not on my team. I don’t hunt, and you know what? There plenty of lawful and legitimate reason to own a firearm that don’t involve hunting.

Tell me honestly, all you NRA hunters out there: “Did you ever seriously hunt any game with a pistol? Or, did you even ever know anyone who did?” If you think about it, pistols are only made to kill people, not game. That’s a simple and tragic fact. And because of that fact, we must not stand by idle and let these lobbyists make the laws that keep these “Death Weapons” on the streets. The NRA lobbyists represent the “gun runners,” and the rich pistol distributors, not us.

No, I’ve never hunted with a pistol, but I shoot them recreationally, collect them, and carry for self-defense.  All legitimate an lawful reasons to have one.  I’m seriously starting to wonder if these aren’t astroturfing campaigns, because the message always seems to follow the same format, and it’s one we know our opponents are trying to push. The old “NRA doesn’t represent hunters”, “NRA are extremists”, “I’m a hunter, and I support gun control”.

I have no doubt there are hunters out there who think this way, but you’d think a lot of varying people wouldn’t all sound the same. You’d also think they wouldn’t all seem to mention the same tired issues.  Do we all sound the same?  I’d like to think not.  But I read a lot of these editorials, and I have to say, they sound rather contrived.  I would think you’d get a broader range of views and writing styles.  What do you think?

Rosie Gets Her Truther On (Again)

Structural engineering and demolition expert, Rosie O’Donnel, is putting on her truther (tin foil?) hat once again:


And, just the same as last time Popular Mechanics is on the case again to expose her as the fool she is:

For more detail on one aspect of the talk show’s conversation, our expanded report in book form, Debunking 9/11: Why Conspiracy Theories Can’t Stand Up To The Facts, describes the volcanic forces that Ms. Hasselbeck referenced on Monday: “[A] seismology report prepared at Columbia University provides a glimpse into how that damage [to the southwest corner of WTC7] was caused. The report notes that the collapses of the Twin Towers caused little ground instability, but nevertheless discharged a massive amount of energy—as much as 107 joules in the kinetic energy of dust and debris. Except for temperature, the effect was similar to the energy contained in the pyroclastic ash given off in volcanic eruptions. ‘Only a very small portion of the [gravitational energy associated with the collapse of each tower] was converted into seismic waves,’ the report states. ‘Most of the energy went into deformation of buildings and the formation of rubble and dust.’”

Never underestimate the amount of energy stored up in a standing skyscraper or the kinetic energy of a fueled up plane moving at 500mph. It’s sad to see so many people buying into this conspiracy bullshit.

Hat tip: Instapundit

Fenty Funtime

Mayor of Washington D.C., Adrian M. Fenty, is apparently looking at a career in comedy:

 “We want to say emphatically that the District’s gun-control laws, as have been outlined by many law-enforcement experts, are a critical part of the District’s public safety strategy and have been so for more than 30 years,”

Seriously, that’s really funny.  Can he say that with a straight face?  How many times has D.C. been the murder capital of the United States in that thirty years?   And who are these “many law-enforcement experts”?

People Who Need Lives

Apparently they are trying to ban leaf blowers in Lower Merion Township:

The source is a group whose name is a virtual declaration of war. The 30 members of the Lower Merion Citizens for Action Against Leaf Blowers are crusading for a township prohibition the likes of which the region – indeed, most of the country this side of California – has never seen.

They’re pressing the Lower Merion commissioners for an ordinance setting a maximum level of 65 decibels for leaf blowers used commercially in the township. (The average is about 75 decibels, which is actually 10 times louder.)

And – the doozy of the demands – they want to restrict contractors’ use of even the muzzled models to 21/2 months a year, from Oct. 1 to Dec. 15.

The rest of the time, yard cleanup “should be performed silently, with a rake,” said Bradford Whitman of Wynnewood, a 62-year-old environmental lawyer and the group’s founder.

Just so you know, this is part of Philadelphia’s main line, where not many people do their own landscaping. I can sympathize with the annoyance of getting woken up by a leaf blower; it’s happened to me many times. But you know, you live with it. It’s part of having neighbors. If I lived next to this douche, I would make sure to be out every morning with the loudest leaf blower I could get my hands on, just to piss this guy off.

I’m hoping Lower Marion Township will have more sense than to listen to this guy. I’d bet money that Braford Whitman is just a deranged green who wants to see less carbon consuming leaf blowers in use, and more carbon consuming landscapers with rakes. What does it matter anyway? It’s not like the residents will be out there with the rakes. Nope. Plenty of illegal immigrants to do that dirty work!

UPDATE: Susan, who I’m guessing is from the township in question, has a great comment below.

Putting the “C” in Crazy

While the Pennsylvania media is busy writing about how insane Pennsylvania gun owners are, I decided to look up the person who was apparently responsible for the banner which gave the people allied against us all the ammo they need:

Alan Kiser

Warning, the web page will annoy you with cheesy music. I happen to believe that people who assault my ears with cheesy music because I loaded their page should most definitely be hung from the tree of liberty. Leave it to a third party dude to bring the crazy to the party eh?

Constitution Party of Pennsylvania

Ahhh! More crappy music! I love the use of vibrato on some sections that just kind of bashes you over the head. I think it might have stolen my wallet too.

Now I’m not bashing third parties here folks. They serve a very valuable purpose in making the two main political parties, who are about as worthless as the dirt on the bottom of my shoe, seem sane and reasonable. The sad part is that I support a lot of constitutionalist views. I just can’t abide by the freaky religious stuff and rhetoric that underlies much of what the CP does.

Can He Be Prosecuted?

Imama Fouad El-Bayly of Johnstown Islamic Center says of Ayan Hirsi Ali killed:

She has been identified as one who has defamed the faith. If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death.

That sounds like a threat to me, rather than a mere statement.  Given that, I would like to know why this Imam hasn’t been arrested and charged with making threats?

Hat Tip to Instapundit

Don of Don’s Guns is Creepy

Ahab has several posts on Don’s Guns of Indianapolis. He’s not a big fan of Don, and his support of local gun control measures. As soon as he mentioned this I could swear seeing this name before, and sure enough, I have. I’m not sure where I originally ran into this guy, but my first instinct was “I’m not sure I’d rent or buy a gun from a guy who doesn’t know to keep his finger off the trigger and keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.”

I agree with Ahab. I think it’s a safe bet this guy is a bozo, and man, that laugh is just creepy. I’d rather this guy was selling something other than guns.