It is Done

We made 800 calls to households between the two of us to get out the vote.  Our county had a goal of 20,000 phone calls.  We actually made 35,394 phone calls to households.  We stayed late, because two precincts had extended hours because of problems at the polling place.  I really feel like we did everything we could.  I hope to God it was enough.  Time will tell.  I’m blacking out news until there’s actual, real data.  For me, this election is over.  It’s just a matter of results… and the aftermath.

Thuggery in Philadelphia

Looks like the Black Panthers are trying to intimidate voters:


I’m happy to see the Philadelphia Police dealt with this problem, but this is a signficant problem.  We’re also hearing reports of Republican poll watchers getting kicked out of polling places.  The state legislature needs to deal with this problem, and act to preserve the integrity of elections in this commonwealth.  When people do stuff like this, they should be sent to prison.

Quick Update

We’re hearing turnout in GOP districts is phenomenal.  This is very good news.  It’s practically standing room only for get out the vote.  We’re overwhelmed with people wanting to make phone calls.

Yesterday, our Victory Office made 22500 calls, which accounts for 10% of the total volume in Pennsylvania.  So far today, Bitter and I have called 350 households.  We’re going to head back and make some more phone calls shortly.

McClintock Interview

I had submitted the following question to the person who contacted me claiming to represent McClintock’s campaign:

  1. How do you think conservative values can be promoted in a heavily Democratic state like California? Do you think that conservatives will ever to be able to regain a significant role in California State Politics?
  2. Do you think that Proposition 11 will help break the gridlock of partisan dominance enjoyed by the Democratic Party, or will it just replace the old system with another un-accountable, un-elected body of uber-officeholders like The Coastal Commission and the California Air Resources Board?
  3. One issue that is important to my readers is the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  If you’re elected to Congress, it will likely be alongside many new Democrats, who may not be as sympathetic to the right.  What steps would you take to ensure that, even under significant Democratic control, our rights under the Second Amendment suffer as little damage as possible.
  4. Do you think there’s any hope for restoring lost Second Amendment rights to Californians? As someone who has been a leader in fighting for that, have you seen any developments that can give gun owners in California some hope that perhaps things will get better?
  5. If elected to Congress, what kind of Supreme Court justices would you want to see nominated to the high court?  Are there any circumstances where you would vote ‘no’ on a nominee for the Supreme Court?

So far, no word back.  If you live in Tom’s district, please, make sure you get out and support him.  He’s a great supporter of the Second Amendemnt.  I wish I could have posted an interview, but in a busy campaign, sometimes things fall through the cracks.

We are Ready

We just got in from putting out the last of the Tom Corbett and Tom Manion signs we had left over.  We placed them at key on and off ramps that people will be taking as they head to or return from work, so the names will be fresh in their heads as they head into the voting booths.  We are ready for tomorrow.  Tomorrow morning we head to the Bucks County Victory Office in order to make calls to remind people to get out to vote.  I will probably also offer to help drive people who need a ride to the polls.  Here’s hoping we turn Pennsylvania red tomorrow!