The Things We Carry

Hat tip to Professor Kerr for pointing out this interesting photo montage of the things people carry around with them.  There is a Glock among the pictures.  I have to wonder how many of these people who are carrying around half the contents of a Radio Shack around with them every day would suggest that we were all stark raving mad for thinking carrying a firearm for self-defense is really no big deal.

As I’ve told people, if they made little pocket sized fire extinguishers that could put out even a large raging fire, I’d probably have one in my book bag.  I already keep a conventional fire extinguisher in my vehicle.  It just makes sense to be prepared.

UPDATE: Countertop shows his entry.  John Moses Browning would be proud.

Russ Ford of ACS Interview

For those of you who missed the interview Cam Edwards did of Russel Ford, the inventor of Ammunition Encoding, and president of Ammunition Coding Systems, you can watch here:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Pretty astounding.

AP Hit Piece

Get used to articles like this.  There are many interests out there which are very threatened by the Heller case, and they aren’t going to go away quietly.  It’s the same pattern as many other articles we’ve seen.  This isn’t a coincidence.  Look at the familiar names.  We notice John Timoney, who’s name always appears in articles of this pattern.

It shouldn’t be surprising.  We have the anti-gun forces on the ropes politically, and continue to whale away.  They will turn to their traditional strengths, which is manipulating the media to create a public sentiment against guns and gun owners.  They are very good at this, and they have a lot of allies in the media to count on.

Voluntary Searches

Cam Edwards has a good post up on the recent push by DC and Boston authorities to go door to door asking homeowners whether they can voluntarily search the house for drugs and guns:

This effort may end up leading to more violent crime. If it’s already leading to police being referred to as “vampires”, you’d have to think it’s not a great boon to establishing rapport between the beat cops and the people who live in these high-crime communities. It seems designed mostly to get positive press coverage rather than achieving any real benefit.

The politicians in D.C. have become so used to taking away liberty in the name of the common good that it’s fair to say they really don’t see anything wrong with this. And that’s the scariest part of all.


Reasoned EditorialsTM

Apparently Alternative News Media in Idaho are run by a bunch of juvenile high school students.  At least that’s about the grade level this editorial is written on.  Actually, strike that.  That’s insulting to high school newspapers everywhere.

Sour Grapes

Kansas is about to join the twenty other states that have passed “Katrina Bills” which prohibit mass confiscations of firearms during states of emergency.  Not everyone is happy about this:

I understand the unfairness of disarming citizens and not criminals, but Greensburg isn’t New Orleans.

It just seems silly to craft a bill to guard against something that never happened in Kansas and probably never will.

I don’t see how whether or not this ever happened in Kansas is really at issue, and pardon me if I don’t take a reporter’s word that it’ll never happen there.  What harm is there in passing this law?  I don’t know about you, but it sounds like a case of sour grapes to me.

Anti-Hunting Folks

New Jersey is a long ways down the slippery slope, thanks to people like, this who now see their goal of banning all hunting and gun ownership within political reach:

Hunting makes an unnecessary contribution to a world already plagued by too much violence and suffering.Wildlife and the outdoors can and should be experienced through activities such as camping, hiking and wildlife watching; ways to get close to nature without having to cause suffering and death.

Joe Miele, President, Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting
Maywood, NJ

Anti-hunting forces in New Jersey were dealt a pretty significant blow in New Jersey’s last election, but they aren’t going away.  Joe Meile and his ilk are not biologists, they do not understand the role hunters play in conservation and wilflife management efforts.   He also, apparently, isn’t above telling people from Mississippi how they ought to be living their lives.  People like this need to be vigorously opposed.