It’s Old Hat

Cemetery points to a rather ridiculous practice, but it’s nothing new.  Gun control didn’t poll among the public as well as gun control groups thought it needed to for them to gain any real traffic, so it morphed into “gun safety.”  Andrew McKelvey, who founded, even created an entire group in order to get … Continue reading “It’s Old Hat”

Another Go at Preserve Hunting Ban in North Dakota

Looks like this group North Dakotans for Fair Chase is having another go at trying to ban preserve hunting in North Dakota.  As best I can tell, this group isn’t necessarily a front for HSUS, but is a group of hunters who are helping push the HSUS agenda. This would be like if a group … Continue reading “Another Go at Preserve Hunting Ban in North Dakota”

False Flag Operation on Sotomayor

A guy claiming to be just your ordinary gun owner, but is really a heavy Democratic Donor and a professor at an Idaho University, says no one should listen to us crazy gun people when it comes to Sotomayor.  I guess he’s been getting his AHSA newsletter. Started with Joe, who notes this guy isn’t … Continue reading “False Flag Operation on Sotomayor”

Senate Passes National Park Carry Amendment

Senator Tom Coburn proposed an amendment to the credit card bill to restore concealed carry rights in national parks. The amendment needed 60 votes, according to C-SPAN and passed with 67 votes. Interesting observations: Claire McCaskill, AHSA’s pet Senator, changed her vote after initially supporting gun rights to oppose the right to carry in federal … Continue reading “Senate Passes National Park Carry Amendment”

How to Pass Gun Control: A Liberal’s Plan

This screed suggesting the “new” idea to enact gun control is laughable. The solution is obvious, create an alternate organization that supports gun ownership but in a responsible manner. I would call the new organization the “American Rifle Organization” (ARA) or something similar. (sic) They would have progressive gun ownership rules like the following: 1. … Continue reading “How to Pass Gun Control: A Liberal’s Plan”

John Rosenthal Finds New Demon

Looks like he’s gone from wanting to ban guns to wanting to ban bottled water: Opposition to the bottled water industry is just beginning to gain momentum. In December 2008 the City of Toronto became the largest city in the world to pass a comprehensive policy banning bottled water in City buildings and aggressively reinvesting … Continue reading “John Rosenthal Finds New Demon”

Hunting on the Rise in Pennsylvania

It appears that sport shooters, collecters, and self-defense whackos (according to AHSA) aren’t the only ones spending more money on their hobby right now.  Hunting license sales are also on the rise here in Pennsylvania, turning around after years of losses.  In fact, archery, muzzleloader, furtaker, bear, and migratory bird licenses are also on the … Continue reading “Hunting on the Rise in Pennsylvania”

A Lesson in Public Relations

If you’re trying to rebrand yourself, much like AHSA seems to be trying to do, it’s inevitable that you’ll try to spin certain things.  But it’s never a good idea to try to spin something where the real facts can be easily looked up by anyone, like denying the fact that Ray Schoenke donated money … Continue reading “A Lesson in Public Relations”