Death of the Pro-Gun Democratic Party?

The new DNC chair being a gun controller does not bode well for us. The one thing that allows the Republicans to take us for granted is their knowledge that they don’t really have to be that pro-2A, they just need to be better than the other guy. With the past Congress having a lot … Continue reading “Death of the Pro-Gun Democratic Party?”

Races to Watch

Virginia Shooting Sports Association notes that Creigh Deeds is trying to manufacture a controversy over a confederate flag being shown in the background of a Bob McDonnell booth at the Virginia Outdoor Sportsman Show.  The flag is pretty clearly behind the booth, not in it.  Dave notes that the big story is that Deeds wasn’t … Continue reading “Races to Watch”

Virginia Primary Tomorrow

I’m pulling for Creigh Deeds to come out as the Democratic candidate.  Virginia Shooting Sports Association has a very nice guide to the Dem primary (Part 1 and Part 2).  He’s the best candidate in the race for gun owners, I think.  The Democratic establishment is busy pushing Terry McAuliffe, including my governor.  McAuliffe is … Continue reading “Virginia Primary Tomorrow”

Bloomberg to Run Anti-Gun Ads in Virginia

NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg is paying for ads to run in Virginia urging a ban on private sales. New York’s mayor and relatives of Virginia Tech massacre victims are releasing a new television ad next week urging the state to close a gun show loophole. The second anniversary of the shooting is next Thursday. New … Continue reading “Bloomberg to Run Anti-Gun Ads in Virginia”

Veto Override Vote in Virginia

The Virginia legislature is voting today to override the measures Tim Kaine vetoed, namely allowing carry in restaurants. In other news, it looks like VSSA is twittering.  I really need to get into this twitter thing.

Tough Battle on Restaurant Carry in Virginia

It’s hard to win on gun rights when the media just flat out refuses to characterize your issue properly.  Virginia is considering a bill, which is eminently reasonable, that will allow concealed carry license holder to carry in restaurants licensed to serve alcohol provided they do not consume any.  Here’s how the Roanoke Times characterizes … Continue reading “Tough Battle on Restaurant Carry in Virginia”

Australian Media on the Gun Issue in 2008

Obama needs to pick a veep who is good with gun owners, says  He’s not the only one though.  Of course, the funny thing about this is the Australian media isn’t to up on a lot of our politicians: There are two front runners. Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia is just like his state – … Continue reading “Australian Media on the Gun Issue in 2008”