Georgia Senate Race

There’s going ot be a runoff election on December 2nd in Georgia to determine who’s going to be the winner of the Senate seat there.  The incumbent is Republican Saxby Chambliss.  The NRA is backing him in this election.  Personally, I don’t care what Jim Martin’s stance on guns is at this point — his party is anti-gun, and if we don’t preserve a filibuster for the Republicans, there will be no opposing Obama’s gun control plans.

If you’re in Georgia, Election 2008 is not over, and it’s not lost.  Now is the time to volunteer.  Scroll to the bottom of this page to find out information for your local EVC.

This is No Way to Run A Republic

These people aren’t stupid, this is pretty clearly media produced ignorance:


On topics the media actually covered, people have knowledge, but the media just ensured the people have no idea what they just voted for.  We can’t have a functioning system with a media that doesn’t do its job.

A Good Question

Bruce Asks, “I’m still trying to figure out the how those who declared Sarah Palin unqualified to hold the office of Vice President can say, with a straight face, that it would be in the best interest of our country to put Al Franken in the United States Senate.”  The recount happens today, I believe.  Let us wish Mr. Coleman luck.  With Stevens being defeated in Alaska, we don’t have much of a filibuster left.

Quote of the Day

From Bruce, on the fact that Obama is going to get away with campaign finance shenanigans, because the FEC will be too busy auditing McCain’s publicly financed campaign books:

Ain’t that a sweet kick in the ass? How’s that campaign finance reform horseshit working out for now, John? Would you like some fries with that irony?

And The Gun Owner Was Racist

This article in The New York Times focuses on my local district, and of course the gun owner has to be the racist one:

Early on Election Day morning in the Philadelphia suburb of Levittown, Pa., Joe Sinitski, 48, stood in a long line inside a school gymnasium, inching his way toward three blue-curtained voting machines. He wore jeans, a sweatshirt and a National Rifle Association baseball cap. He said he would vote for Barack Obama, a choice that some months earlier he could not have imagined.


“For a long time, I couldn’t ignore the fact that he was black, if you know what I mean,” Mr. Sinitski, the heating and air-conditioning technician, told me. “I’m not proud of that, but I was raised to think that there aren’t good black people out there. I could see that he was highly intelligent, and that matters to me, but my instinct was still to go with the white guy.”

But he voted Obama anyway.  As much as I want to blast the New York Times for pointing this out, it’s a fact that many of the NRA members in this area are working class tradesman and Union members.  It’s also a fact that many of them reflexively and habitually vote Democrat.  In this area, it makes my job very difficult, because I have to appeal to them to vote on the gun issue.  I’ve had difficulty getting cooperation with clubs, because, if you can believe this, supporting NRA endorsed candidates is controversial, because here they are pretty much universally Republican.  In a place like Texas, this might not be so appalling, but here, Democrats running at the federal level, and in the Southeast at the state level, are typically reflexively anti-gun.  I can bet you that Joe the Racist here voted for Patrick Murphy too.

If you want to understand why Pennsylvania, which has a per-capita gun ownership rate that is close to Texas, and who issues 1 million hunting licenses per year, and 600,000 concealed carry licenses, can consistently vote for anti-gun Democrats at the federal level, I give you Joe Sinitski.  It’s not pretty, but it’s the truth, and it makes the life of gun rights activists in this state very difficult.  Particularly in my area.

Article on Dan Cooper in Missoulian

This article in the Missoulian quotes me:

“I don’t think Dan’s ousting is fair or right, it just is. I didn’t ask for people to call for his ousting. I did tell people to write Cooper Firearms and express displeasure, and encouraged them to not purchase the company’s products. It was Cooper Firearms and the Board that ousted Dan in response, because they felt that was the best thing to do for their business. Both sides in this case were acting separately in their own self-interest.”

Read the whole thing.  Bob Ricker is still saying the NRA boogeyman is behind this.  Having once worked for NRA, you would think Bob would know that NRA has difficulty moving at Internet speed, except that he has a vested interest in painting this picture.

One interesting thing is it looks like Cabelas and Sportsmen’s Warehouse cancelled orders with Cooper Firearms.  They said that was a business decision though, because the rifles weren’t selling.  I’m wondering, at this point, if perhaps we just gave the Board of Directors of Cooper Firearms the excuse they needed to get some better business management at this company.   Read the whole thing.

Obama’s Approval Numbers

Mike McCarville goes over the numbers:

Currently, 42% of voters nationwide Strongly Approve of the way that Obama is handling his new role as President-elect while 26% Strongly Disapprove. The number who Strongly Disapprove is down six percentage points since the night after the election (see trends). Overall, 56% of voters somewhat or strongly approve of Obama’s performance so far while 39% disapprove.

24% of voters think the nation is headed in the right direction.  That’s up from 14% before the election.  Apparently it’s change that only 10% of us believe in.

UPDATE: Apparently that’s up from 41% approval yesterday.  I guess getting flushed down the crapper went over well.

Quote of the Day

California is a strange, strange place:

It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks.

This is backlash for the defeat of Proposition 8 in California, which banned gay marriage.  Blacks and Latinos voted heavily for the proposition.  It’s apparently been quite a wake up call for a lot of the gay community that Blacks and Latinos are, in fact, quite socially conservative.

As I’ve told my gay friends, there’s a huge generation gap on the gay marriage issue. In a generation, it will be possible to pass gay marriage through legislatures.  Right now gay marriage is 0 for 30.  This has largely been a backlash against the attempt to accomplish this through judicial fiat, which is difficult to sustain when the population is overwhelmingly against your proposal.

I am not threatened by or opposed to the state recognizing marriage between same sex couples, but I think it needs to be accomplished legislatively, when society is prepared to have that debate.  Right now they are not.