For you folks in Colorado, the final recorded vote on the gun control packages happens today, if you live in the state, flood the switchboards. The fight is not over. These bills could still be killed. Let us hope.
Publicola in the comments:
Slightly more complex than that – 5 bills will be voted on today in the Colorado senate. If all of them pass, 2 go straight to the governor’s desk for signing or vetoing, 1 gets some form of reconciliation (as it was heavily amended from the house version) & 2 go to the house for the same process they went through in the senate (3 readings + committee hearing).
And just to cheer everyone up even further, the dems have at least one (deals with medical records), possibly more, anti gunowner bills they haven’t introduced yet. And there’s another one – a bill that’d change the definition of a deadly weapon, but i’m not sure where it’s at in all of this.
But, if all 5 bills get killed today then that would be the final vote, and likely it’d stop the dems attempts for the rest of this session.
Slightly more complex than that – 5 bills will be voted on today in the Colorado senate. If all of them pass, 2 go straight to the governor’s desk for signing or vetoing, 1 gets some form of reconciliation (as it was heavily amended from the house version) & 2 go to the house for the same process they went through in the senate (3 readings + committee hearing).
And just to cheer everyone up even further, the dems have at least one (deals with medical records), possibly more, anti gunowner bills they haven’t introduced yet. And there’s another one – a bill that’d change the definition of a deadly weapon, but i’m not sure where it’s at in all of this.
But, if all 5 bills get killed today then that would be the final vote, and likely it’d stop the dems attempts for the rest of this session.
So which two bills go to the governor’s desk today automatically if passed by the senate?
1224, mag cap, 1228 and pay to prove your innocence, go to the Gov. 1229, background checks for everybody has an 18 page amendment attached and needs to go back to the house.
NOTE: There are currently 3 recall initiatives in the works.
Recall? As in recalling of a bill that was passed? Don’t quite understand how that works.
I think he means a Recall as in throwing the bums out.
@HappyWarrior6 – They are trying to petition 3 Colorado State legislators to be recalled – think what happened in WI.
See this site for more details:
I was slightly mistaken: only one goes straight to the governor – the background check tax.
The mag capacity limit bill and the universal background check bill both go back to the house cause they were both amended, which I believe will entail a simple recorded vote.
The “baby lautenberg” bill and the ccw training bill (which bans complete online training) go to the house for the entire 3 reading plus committee process.
Magazine ban passed. Soon to be signed into law.