Preemption in Iowa

Apparently there’s been a trend of cities bucking preemption:

Unfortunately, upon the passage of Iowa’s new “Shall-Issue” Right-to-Carry law, some local governments began creating a patchwork of illegal gun bans across Iowa.  Most recently, claiming safety issues, Iowa Citypassed a resolution restricting all law-abiding Iowans from carrying in or on all city-owned property including city parks, buses, and even farmer’s markets.

NRA is pushing a bill to fix this problem, HSB 19. Everyone is Pennsylvania should take a look at this bill, because it’s among the strongest preemption statutes I’ve seen. This might be something we need to look at here.

Horror Movie

I’m relatively amused by calling Colin Goddard’s “Living for 32” the “Virginia Tech Massacre Movie.” Joe Huffman has an observation about Goddard:

It occurs to me that the Brady Campaign is promoting Goddard as an expert and the media is accepting that. But does he have any training or expertise as a shooter? I’ll grant that he is an expert at getting shot. But I don’t think that takes a whole lot of practice or that his experience is something that we can use a guide for how to handle the situation he experienced.

I agree. I also imagine it’s quite difficult to assess the tactical situation when you’re hiding under a desk playing dead.

Air Gun PSH

Apparently there’s some folks upset over a bill in Virginia to preempt air gun regulation. Check this out:

Most people above a certain age associate pneumatic guns with the Daisy BB guns of our youth, guns that had little power and a range of perhaps 50 feet. The current generation of pneumatic guns makes the Daisy BB gun look like a pop gun.

According to Chief Mark Sisson of the Christiansburg Police Department, the new pneumatic guns “are capable of carrying a projectile much farther and much faster and are now designed to look like real guns, putting the town’s police officers in harm’s way.”

They would also put town residents at risk. Many of the higher-powered pneumatic guns sound similar to regular gunshots, which means neighbors may not be able to distinguish one from the other.

High-powered assault air guns now, apparently. So the old Red Ryder didn’t look like a real gun unless you were up close? Could have fooled me. I should also note there’s a pretty good Second Amendment case to be made that air guns are protected just as much as powder guns.