I Will Be Returning Soon

Sorry for the lack of posting, but we had to take a trip to Bitter’s home town, a place where the corn grows as high as an elephant’s eye (actually, down there it’s more like the cactus rather than corn). Bitter’s grandfather, who she has not seen in 11 years, called on her. I’ve now met three of Bitter’s grandparents, all of whom are still alive, but obviously her grandfather is struggling at nearly 90. All my grandparents were gone by the time I was 30.

In that one picture, that’s probably about as close as I’ve been to horses in my life. We stayed at her Uncle and Cousin’s. Her cousin owns a horse ranch and riding school.

11 thoughts on “I Will Be Returning Soon”

    1. Nope. Didn’t have any goat. But by the time I left, I had a following of barn cats who I think were worshiping me as a god, since they were bringing me sacrifices. Apparently from Bitter’s aunt, Mr. Chips was waiting for me to come see him this morning.

    1. We did enjoy it. I felt bad leaving the blog so unattended, but it was a really important trip to make. We had a blast.

  1. This is so cool! Great photos! Great stories! Thanks for sharing! Loved it!!!
    – Arnie

  2. What….you all didn’t call me…harrumph. Dang, now I’m hungry for all-you-can-eat catfish at the Steak and Catfish Barn.

  3. Good doggie! I like living out here in flyover country now, everybody has dogs. One neighbor has two, always hanging out the passenger window of his truck, tongues flapping in the wind.

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