13 thoughts on “Hey Rick, You Know How These People Vote, Right?”

  1. I’ll just speculate out loud here:

    Low information voters notwithstanding, most people don’t live in bubbles. They know the cultural differences between California and Texas. People who move to Texas, unless they are desperate for a job, are mostly going to be people who like the idea of Texas. People who stay in California will be people who don’t like the idea of Texas. I predict nothing much would change.

    I also observe that the people in my lifetime, who moved to Texas, tended to become Texans. Inundation can be hard to resist. By contrast, a very large portion of people I’ve known who moved to California, eventually came back home, mostly unchanged. Oddly though, it was not so much because they disliked California, so much as that they liked “home” better.

    1. Maybe (hopefully) that’s the case for people who move to TX, but literally every person I’ve ever met from WA or OR complains bitterly about the Californians who move there and then vote for all the same policies that ruined CA. Even liberals make that complaint. Nobody, anywhere, is ever glad to see Californians show up to the party, and Texans really should think twice or three times about inviting large numbers of them in.

    2. The problem is their base mindset, the one that was acquired from living there so long. So much of the way we do things is simply because we don’t know there’s another way to do it. Californians moving to Texas may own guns and hate government, but they are so used to all the California claptrap that it takes a conscious jolt to even realize there’s a different way of doing things.

      1. This.

        My wife just finished jury duty on a criminal trial, and was telling me how her transplanted-Northerner fellow jurors did not understand that there is no registration of guns in Texas law. The fact that a defendant has an ‘unregistered’ gun means exactly nothing to the case.

        1. The very term ‘unregistered’ is like a dirty word to them, as if it’s only natural that things should be registered. Politicians are doing the same thing calling private sales a ‘loophole’, like private commerce wasn’t meant to happen.

      2. This is one reason we need to figure out how to make an effort to teach California or New York or Mexican refugees what it makes to be free, and how adhering to the Old Ways will only reduce their newfound State to something like what they just had to flee.

  2. That’s always puzzled me and I see it here in FL as well. They flee from a blue state to a red state because of the better economic environment then immediately try to turn it into the blue state they just moved from.

    What’s that line about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

    1. I think the swing issues are the cultural issues, other than gun control. I don’t think people think much about how or why a state’s economics work.

      I don’t know if I’d move to Texas, because of the gun isssue — they are worse on carry permit requirements than Pennsylvania, despite their nurtured pro-gun image, and talk doesn’t impress me anymore.

      Back to economic issues: It is worth considering that for the most part red states are net takers from the federal pot, while blue states are mostly net contributors. So you would expect people from blue states to want to turn red, and get on the gravy train too.

      1. The idea that red states are net ‘takers’ is mostly myth, and it is due to the way that federal outlays are summarized. The numbers lump together all federal spending — funds transfers to states, direct payments to citizens, agency spending within each state, and so forth. Subtract the disproportionate impact of DoD spending on military bases, and the numbers for red states are then lower than those of blue states.

  3. Perhaps what he wants is just the company itself to move and leave all of the blue workers behind. “Bring us your jobs, but not your employee’s!”

  4. Markie Marxist sez: “My commie compadres in Commiefornia run a high-tax, high-service state! If you own any guns, they’ll be perfectly happy to stop by and take them away from you! That’s what we Marxists call service! Ha! Ha!”

  5. Ex-Californians here in Idaho come in two categories:

    1. Those that were tired of the nonsense and are generally well to the right of native Idahoans, who don’t support gun control, but don’t see why anyone needs an a assault weapon, or a high capacity magazine, etc.

    2. Those who came here out of economic desperation, and figure that because blue policies worked so well that they had to leave California, they will work perfectly here in Idaho, too.

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