To New York, and Back, and Back

Went up to New York yesterday to visit with a friend who is working at a place I’m going through the interview process with. Nice visit. There are things about the environment I’d find stimulating, and things I would find annoying. Space costs a premium in Manhattan, so folks are crammed together like sardines, with not much in the way of peace and quiet. Coming from the suburban office park to a boisterous, bohemian feeling work environment where I don’t have much personal space would be quite and adjustment. It’s also a very young workplace. That’s either going to make me feel very young, or very old. I’m still in the very preliminary stages with this job, so we’ll see how things progress. First round interview, after having survived the HR phone screen, is scheduled for next week.

Today I had a first round interview with another outfit in New York, and I think I nailed it. The job is right up my alley and doing the same kind of work I was doing for the previous company, in the same kind of research environment. Tomorrow I have a second round interview with the academic institution I’m seeking a job with. It would be very nice to have two offers to choose from, and I hope the timing can work out.

Free ice cream is going to be sparse for the next few days, unfortunately. Gotta pay the mortgage first.

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