Thanks to All Who Showed Up

Many thanks to all the activists and concerned citizens who showed up, and stayed until nearly midnight, at the Radnor Township Board of Commissioners meeting, where the Board introduced a “Lost and Stolen” ordinance in violation of state law. It’s not often you go to something like this and feel the issue was literally about as hashed out as you could really get it. I think out people there successfully made every point that needed to be made, and we had some very good speakers on behalf of the issue.

I will have more to say tomorrow, but for tonight I just wanted to thank everyone who showed up. While I think the Township Commissioners are intent on passing this ordinance, it will at least give some pause, and the opposition at least knows they aren’t going to waltz into these things unopposed. We were up against paid professionals, like Joe Grace, the well connected, like former Radnor Township Commissioner James Higgins, and also up against folks who have have had the advantage of alien enlightenment.

We win because our people are dedicated, and even in the heart of CeaseFirePA’s center of gravity, we were fairly able to match them in numbers, and in passion. We need to keep turning out, and if not outright beating them, at least making them fight for it.

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