I’ve Heard This A Lot

The speaker of the Tennessee House lied about having a concealed firearms permit.  Patrick Murphy, who is my Congressman, claims to have one, even though he signed onto McCarthy’s HR 1022 assault weapons ban that would outlaw most semi-automatic firearms.

In Pennsylvania, there’s no way to verify a claim of having an LTC, but I think it’s safe to assume that any anti-gun politician claiming to have a concealed firearms permit is lying to you.

4 thoughts on “I’ve Heard This A Lot”

  1. “…It’s safe to assume that any anti-gun politician claiming to have a concealed firearms permit is lying to you.’

    Oh, I wouldn’t take that bet. I’ve never noticed that gun-grabbers, as a class, and particularly those with any real power, are all that averse to having guns themselves. They only want to disarm us.

    Oh, wait, what am I saying? Of course Naifa doesn’t want to disarm us! It’s all for our own good! And most Tennessee gun owners agree with him!

  2. Well, most of the times it goes along the lines of: I am not against guns. I have a concealed carry permit!

    One of those things isn’t true.

  3. Well, most of the times it goes along the lines of: I am not against guns. I have a concealed carry permit!

    One of those things isn’t true.

    They could both be perfectly true…the thought just wasn’t completed.

    What they are really thinking is:

    “I am not against guns, I have a concealed carry permit! I’m only against common folk like YOU having guns.”

    So there are actually two options in someone who is anti-gun but purports to have a concealed handgun permit: Either they are a liar, or they are an elitist hypocrite.

    Either way…

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