Gun Safety I Don’t Have a Problem With

Over in neighboring West Virginia, they want to require gun safety training as part of PE classes.  I wish I got to shoot in my PE classes.  We did do archery, but that was it.

One wonders whether other groups that claim to be for “gun safety” are willing to get behind a measure such as this?  My guess is no.

Hat tip to Of Arms and the Law.

5 thoughts on “Gun Safety I Don’t Have a Problem With”

  1. Interesting. I never did shooting in a WV PE class. Guess this is a new thing.

  2. “Guess this is a new thing.”

    Not really. When I was in High School (a scant 4 years ago) the PE classes went to the range for about two weeks every spring. When my class went through it (around 2000/2001) we shot Ruger 10/22’s and 22/45’s at the pistol range, and a random assortment of shotguns in 12 and 20 gauge at the trap range. Several NRA certified instructors who were also members of the range instructed the class in safety before allowing them to shoot, and they hovered next to them as they shot.

    No one got hurt, and a good time was had by all. They should do that in EVERY school.

  3. I learned to shoot in summer school… (The summer camp I went to was affiliated with the school I went to , and I took some classes there over the summer when not bein gentertained by the great outdoors)

  4. Regolith,

    I went to school in WV for 13 grades, I never once went to a shooting range. I would have remember.


  5. “I went to school in WV for 13 grades, I never once went to a shooting range. I would have remember.”

    Sorry, I should have specified: I’m from Nevada. It may be a new thing for WV, but not for the rest of the country.

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