In the comments…

A commenter mentions:

As someone who used to shoot before anything apart from a .22 was banned in my country, I can feel a great deal of sympathy for those whose rights are under attack.

But seriously, a guy spends 30 years making drunken assholes with high capacity firearms running around the woods look legitimate, then suggests that carrying an AK47 around might be resonant with events on TV and you all turn on him.

Seriously, anyone watching this little farce who isn’t attached to Mr Heston’s baby cannon gets a pretty ugly picture of the NRA and shooters of the US. There’s a reason why, when someone wants to depict an incompetent and reckless hunter, it’s always some American in a Davy Crockett hat.

You have a very warped understanding of the American shooting community if you think that’s what hunting in America is all about.  Hunting accidents in the US are exceedingly rare, despite the fact that the sports has tens of millions of participants.  Same goes for sport shooting.  There is nothing irresponsible about hunting with a semi-automatic firearm (no one hunts with a machine gun, an none of us would advocate that) provided the caliber is appropriate for the game.  The rifles Zumbo was talking about are military patterned, but they are semi-automatic, and not capable of automatic or burst fire.

And maybe the reason that everything apart from a .22 was banned in your country is because shooters there didn’t take their gun rights seriously enough.  Ever stop to think about that?

4 thoughts on “In the comments…”

  1. The shooting sports, including hunting, are safer than cheerleading. Granted, I haven’t checked stats on that for years, but it was something I checked years ago after hearing it.

  2. And maybe the reason that everything apart from a .22 was banned in your country is because shooters there didn’t take their gun rights seriously enough. Ever stop to think about that?


  3. When Sarah does her, “It’s for the children” schtick, I wish someone would ask her why then does she not campaign against Little League. The last year for which I have figures, which would be six or seven ago, more children died playing little league baseball than were killed by accidental gunshot. It wasn’t even close.

    Of course, that doesn’t include the 20 year old “children” fighting over drug turf killed by rivals or cops.

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