Investors Business Daily Joining “Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory”

Our opponents like to suggest the idea that Fast and Furious was actually a plot to drive trace numbers from Mexico up to make the case for new gun controls is crazy talk whipped up by Fox News. Now that right-wing militia rag known as Investors Business Daily is fanning the flames of this conspiracy.

I’m generally to quick to try to put a fork in screwball conspiracies, but I don’t find this one far fetched. In fact, it’s really the only explanation that fits the facts.

12 thoughts on “Investors Business Daily Joining “Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory””

  1. I’m absolutely not a conspiracy guy – but – a Special Investigator would have to dig through this thing and publish everything said and done before I’ll believe it was simple incompetence.

    This was an operation aimed at me and the Second Amendment.

    “I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

  2. I count this as very likely; if not a hair away from straight truth.

    These are the same people who, unashamed, used any strategy, any tactic to get to the edge and get what they wanted;B.O. elected. That goes from using innocent and ignorant children, bullying and violent goons from Unions, and the deceitful and deplorable Acorn.

    Why would they stop their behavior once they got into office? Also, who would be able to stop them?

  3. crazy talk whipped up by Fox News.

    I hate to tell these people this, but at least a few of us thought Gunwalker was what Fox is saying it is long before Fox started saying it.

  4. One should never attribute to malice that which can be explained by simple incompetence or stupidity, but in this case it’s awfully hard not to connect the dots…

  5. True dat, Robert, but don’t be fergettin’ that with this admin and its mp(muzpres), incompetence, stupidity, and malace are most often running around hand-in-hand-in-hand.

  6. Object lesson for people who see “successful” conspiracies. This one fell apart in less than 2 years due to entirely foreseeable circumstances.

  7. Agreed. It just seems way too deliberate to be mere incompetence. I tend not to go for conspiracy theories since they’re usually a bit outlandish, but the timing here is a little too good.

    I only hope this doesn’t get swept under the rug somehow. I had been reading about the Iran/Contra thing since it was before my time, and it looks like nothing ever really came of that.

  8. Excuse me, but the goal of this operation was not about making arrests of narco-terrorist drug kingpins in Mexico.

    It was just about limiting our Second Amendment rights.

    Since our law enforcement efforts end when the weapons cross the border, then the ONLY motive for this operation was to saturate Mexico with firearms from US sources.

    This deliberate and transparent effort to pump up their numbers was done to create a false rationale to restrict firearms sales in the United States.

    The current administration, DOJ, and BATFE are so corrupt and un-American. I want to see multiple politicians and many bureaucrats go to prison.

  9. “. . . that Fast and Furious was actually a plot to drive trace numbers from Mexico up to make the case for new gun controls is crazy talk . . .”

    I suppose the fact that it would have actually done so is beside the point, since it doesn’t fit the gun ban narrative.
    The dishonesty of the political correctness that the left shoves at us everyday is nauseating. It appalls me that human beings can be so bent on thinking like a pack of apes.

  10. “Object lesson for people who see “successful” conspiracies. This one fell apart in less than 2 years due to entirely foreseeable circumstances.”

    I would have to sort-of disagree with this, almost. There are some rather successful, decades-long conspiracies. They are usually out in the “open” though (if they are sortof secret about it, they don’t kill anyone making the conspiracy public), and they tend to work because a lot of people, both in and out of the government, agree with the goals.

    Our education system is the way it is because of such a conspiracy–indeed, H. G. Wells called it “the Open Conspiracy”.

    My favorite “conspiracy line” was from L. Neil Smith. He described how the U.N. conspires to put us in sardine homes squished into city environments, and then said “It’s called Agenda 21. Go look it up–they’re proud of it!”

    Perhaps a distinction needs to be made between “Philosophical Conspiracies” (conspiracies based on a common goal) and “Manipulative Conspiracies” (conspiracies based on trying to manipulate belief). “Project Gunrunner” is certainly one of the latter, as would have been “9/11 Truther” and “Fake Lunar Landing” conspiracies, if the latter were true. And it’s certainly the case that these types of conspiracies collapse on themselves!

  11. “The current administration, DOJ, and BATFE are so corrupt and un-American. I want to see multiple politicians and many bureaucrats go to prison.”

    I’d love to see both Eric “my people” Holder, along with his boss Barry Obama sitting in the front row of passenger seats aboard that prison bus going off to Leavenworth, but I’m not going to hold my breath on that actually happening. Only the little people like us usually ever wind up going to prison, not the ruling class elites.

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