Update on Springfield Armory Situation

According to today’s Outdoor Wire:

Following a conversation with the top official there, I can report the rumors of the impending demise of the Springfield Armory collection appear to have been greatly exaggerated.

During my extended discussion with Michael Quijano-West, the Superintendent of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site yesterday, Quijano-West made it extremely clear changes were being made, but they were designed to make the armory collection and the accompanying historical archives more accessible, not to lock them away.

“We’re not closing anything,” he said, “in fact, we’ve expanded our operating hours to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week. That certainly wasn’t the case before, hours were inconvenient for visitors. Today, there are only three days on our calendar when we won’t be open: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.”

Good to hear!  There’s more if you follow the link and scroll down a little more than half way.