Another Former Californian

Linoge has moved out of California to escape the insanity.  I certainly don’t blame him, but some advice that Cam Edwards always offers, and I think it’s good advice, is to stay a member of your former home state’s association, and stay active fighting there as best you can.  Someone has to fight the good fight.  I’m a member of both the Pennsylvania and New Jersey state associations.

We wish him luck in his new pro-gun home of Tennessee, which I think it might actually be legal to punch hippies, rather than be ruled by them.

2 thoughts on “Another Former Californian”

  1. Thanks for the good wishes, though I do take offense at your post title – I never was, and never will be, a “Californian” ;).

    Unfortunately, due to my being out of the state fully 75% of the time I “lived” there (and people wonder why I left the Navy), I did not join any of the local organizations… kind of a bad reflection on me, but I hope to make up for it here in Tennessee. We just looked at a house today, and could hear an outdoor range not too far off… too bad the house was massively too large, and far too expensive, for our needs…

  2. Good on ya, Linoge.

    As a native Oregonian, I’m still uncomfortable just sharing a border with your former country.

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