Oh yeah, it’s the sound of $700,000 of Bloomberg’s money circling the bowl. Let us hope by tomorrow the flush will be complete. Ideally what we want is for Democrats to think Bloomberg’s help is poison. At the least, to think that his money won’t help. Imagine if he had spent that money on malaria drugs for kids in poor countries instead of spending it to screw fellow Americans out of their Constitutional birthright.
Hey Bloomberg, What’s That Giant Flushing Sound?

In the other “Bloomberg” race in VA, Republican Parrish had a 300 vote lead with 34% of the vote.
I’d love to see him go “O for Virginia”
I donated as much as I could when Sebastian put up the original article about the race. Just got the email from the campaign. I wonder how many other liberal urban gun owners stepped up and pitched in.
From NYC
Apparently turnout from the rural areas of that district was very high. I wonder why that might be?
Because they probably read your blog. And like guns.
“Fortunately, the VCDL has traditionally been very good about getting the word out about Bloom-boy’s out-of-state efforts and–most of the time–has prevented his candidates from getting in. The Republicans running against the Bloom-boy- and Giffords-funded candidates are not so extreme like the Cuccinelli ticket, so they are much more likely to withstand such challenges.
What matters is voter participation here. Who’s going to participate more, those who are for freedom or those who are against it?
I did an absentee ballot this time because I needed to vote early, and according to the folks working the polls, participation has been pretty brisk. I count that as a good thing.
However, unfortunately Virginia is much the same as most other states when it comes to local elections. For the most part, there’s a small core of “party faithfuls” that vote every time. National elections, especially Presidential elections, do get more play, again, much like in other places. In America, we really should be having 100% voter participation. I know we don’t, but we should.
But pro-2A voters have made the difference before. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens this time.”
-CowboyT, Calguns.net
Unfortunately I’m getting worried for Parrish. The 29th district has some heavily-populated areas of left-leaning eastern Prince William County, and although Parrish crushed McPike in Manassas, there just aren’t enough votes there to make up the deficit he may face elsewhere. If the district had more of conservative-learning western Prince William he would be in better position IMO.
‘Sturtevant’s victory margin in Powhatan also raised questions about whether a big gun-control advertising push for Gecker by a national group backed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg backfired by turning out gun-rights advocates at the polls. Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund spent $700,000 on advertising on behalf of Gecker.
“Amazing Powhatan turnout. Definitely Bloomberg backlash,†longtime Democratic political operative Paul Goldman said in a text message.’ http://www.richmond.com/news/virginia/government-politics/article_c9cfd8ac-8392-55f4-9924-af3684df8a77.html
Wish I could say NJ had better results…
Imagine if he had spent that money on malaria drugs for kids in poor countries instead of spending it to screw fellow Americans out of their Constitutional birthright
Well, if he was an Effective Altruist he wouldn’t be what he is, yes…