So with the Russia reasserting itself on the world stage, and rumors of Putin wanting to build a new Russian military base in Cuba, does that mean that the original Red Dawn is timely again? The bear is back, folks! Thank God we have sensible people in the White House who really get this Smart Diplomacy thing.
13 thoughts on “The 64,000 Dollar Question”
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“Thank God we have sensible people in the White House who really get this Smart Diplomacy thing.”
Has anyone yet entertained the idea that the whole scenario in Ukraine was already negotiated between Putin and “the west” before the first “unrest” emerged in Kiev? FWIW, I have observed a few “conservative” outlets saying nice things about Putin being an admirable model for conservatives everywhere, while more leftist outlets seem to be blaming the west for engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow the government in Kiev. In any case, some odd matching of opinion that would appear to undercut any American sentiment for U.S. involvement.
And, for a historical model, consider Churchill’s enthusiasm for giving away the Baltics to the Soviet Union, during WWII.
And last, would not our long-time determination (now spanning ten presidential administrations) to isolate Cuba provide the perfect incentive for their welcoming back the Russians, again? Just speaking of Smart Diplomacy things.
Of course, the logistics on the first movie were nonsensical; but unlike the USSR in the ’80s Putin is now moving to get actual bases in Venezuela and Cuba (and Singapore and elsewhere).
The Bear never really had meaningful power-projection capabilities, and what they did have is gone, but forward bases like we used to have changes that metric.
As I recall, in the first movie the beginning prologue sets up a world where the Soviet Union had a bunch of friendly states near the US like Cuba (duh!), El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, with a toe-hold in Mexico, plus they pretty much neutralized the US in Europe with NATO dissolving.
Looking at the film through its own preconditions, it’s plausible that they could do it. Looking at it through what we know of the Soviet Union circa 1984, no, not plausible. But we shouldn’t mix the two when discussing the internal logic of the film.
The Cubans landed on the coast and the Nicaraguan army -drove- up through Mexico to launch the “surprise attack”. Then as now they wouldn’t have gotten a fleet or armor columns more than a few miles before we sent in our overwhelmingly dominant naval and air power.
The Russkies landed in Alaska and drove across us to cut the pipeline, then down through Canada. There isn’t a single East-West road or rail across Alaska, the one road south starts halfway across the state. You wouldn’t be able to get a T-62 a hundred yards off the beach in Western Alaska, winter or summer, much less drive it a thousand miles across tundra to get to the ALCAN much less establish supply lines to support the invasion.
Even given the films internal conditions it was logistically and strategically impossible.
I wonder what it’s like living in a nation with a smart, competent leader. Perhaps I’ll move to Russia and find out…
Say bye bye to russian ammo with economic sanctions on the way?
It’s a distinct possibility, I’d say. But I’m not sure I’d disagree with economic sanctions against Russia generally, and if that includes ammo among other things. If he just singles out ammo he’s just being a dick.
“If he just singles out ammo he’s just being a dick.”
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but…
Of course he is, but we’ll see where he chooses to exercise his dickishness.
He can attack to ‘evils’ with the same pen stroke. What liberal gun grabber wouldn’t jump at that?
Perhaps I shouldn’t have said anything. Just in case the NSA is forwarding him suggestions…
Clinton. China. Norinco.
Once imports are banned via a convenient diplomatic excuse, they tend to stay banned.
“BECAUSE WE LIVE HERE!” (best line)