The Science Settles It

From an article on guns and suicide:

But researchers who study mental illness, guns and suicide say curtailing access to guns won’t necessarily reduce firearm suicides. Education and prevention may be a much better answer than stricter gun laws, they say.

They are pushing for education rather than laws, saying new laws won’t make much of a difference. It also notes they are getting help from the gun community. Funny how that happens when your goal is actually to solve problems rather than just take away our rights and freedoms. The only person who seems to insist gun laws would matter is a Joyce stooge.

4 thoughts on “The Science Settles It”

  1. I’ve always wonder how the Antis seem to conveniently ignore the Suicide Rates in “No Guns Allowed!” Japan and Great Britain.

  2. No, no, no. Don’t you know, the “science settles it” when, and ONLY when, it reaches the conclusions desired by the statists. So a conclusion like “banning guns won’t reduce gun suicide” only indicates junk science and a statistician who needs to be derided and run out of the field.

    I’ve learned this by reading articles on global warming deniers. o_0

  3. Yes, France has double the suicide rate of the U.S., despite all of our guns.

    Guess that social-democrat paradise our anti-gunners pine for isn’t so great after all.

  4. “But researchers who study mental illness, guns and suicide say curtailing access to guns won’t necessarily reduce firearm suicides.”

    There’s something wrong with this sentence. They aren’t talking about suicide in general but “firearm suicides” specifically. Aren’t firearm suicides lower in countries where people don’t have access to guns? Suicides in general may be higher, but “firearm suicides”?

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