LEO Cover for Anti-Gun Groups in Minnesota

The retiring police chief in Minneapolis is going to lend his name to the anti-gun cause. Every once in a while you get a true believer among police brass, and I guess this guy is one. Joan Peterson must adore him.

“I think, basically, he will be a resource on gun policy … and give feedback on legislation,” Martens said. “He has always been a voice for preventing gun violence.”

He’ll likely be someone they trot in front of the legislature or TV cameras every time they need an authentic law enforcement voice to tell the public how bad whatever bill X or Y that expands Second Amendment liberties is. Let’s just hope we can keep Tim Dolan very busy with that line of work.

4 thoughts on “LEO Cover for Anti-Gun Groups in Minnesota”

  1. whatever bill X or Y that expands Second Amendment liberties is

    Nay, “whatever bill X or Y that restores Second Amendment liberties is”… :-)

    1. And a little Googling later — Yes, it is.

      He’s a wanna-be tyrant. A thug. His retirement is good news, but I fear he’s left a police department staffed with like-minded thugs.

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