Gunnie Goodies

People like to mix guns and drinks. By drinks, I don’t mean the alcoholic kind. And by guns, I don’t mean the shooty kind. I couldn’t help but be amused by all these things that popped up on a random Amazon search the other day.

What amuses me is that this stuff is just miscellaneous pop culture crap. This isn’t stuff targeted at the “gun culture.” Yet, somehow there are people on the other side who actually believe they can rid the world of guns and get rid of demand for guns.

UPDATE: This post became significantly more relevant with the discovery that tomorrow is National Vodka Day.

4 thoughts on “Gunnie Goodies”

  1. Yet, somehow there are people on the other side who actually believe they can rid the world of guns and get rid of demand for guns.

    This sentence here above reminded me of some comments I once read on a Youtube video that were written by some likely libtard youngster from England. He kept insisting that guns were a “disease” which could be eradicated from all of humankind with enough time, money, education, and patience. After laughing at bit, I told him good luck on that in a reply to one of his inane “disease of guns” comments.

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