California Crashin’

SayUncle reports on how companies that he’s worked for have saved significant money moving their operations out of California. This is certainly not going to help to restore California’s slumping housing prices. California is still the home for high-tech jobs, however, but one thing (other than their crappy gun laws) that’s prevented me from moving there is the fact that housing was unaffordable, and the salary differential was never high enough to justify the wildly inflated cost of living. I’ve never understood why tech jobs aren’t fleeing California by the busload and headed for greener pastures, like Austin.

8 thoughts on “California Crashin’”

  1. Gun laws are a big reason why, whenever I think, “California would be a nice place to live!” I usually follow up that thought with “oh, wait…maybe not so much, after all”.

    Whenever I think about those groups that want to restore Mexico to its former glory, I’m confident that if they ever start their invasions and/or revolutions, California will go back to Mexico, and maybe New Mexico…but Utah, Arizona, and Texas? Not so much. Too many Americans there that want to stay American (or at least be free), and have the firepower to back up that desire!

  2. It is funny. I have been offered positions in CA. I refused for various professional reasons, but unsaid was always the issue of Gun ownership and carrying.
    There was a huge push to make Philadelphia area a tech zone under the Curt Weldon rule of Congress. It just never happened in any reasonable quantifiable measure.

  3. The thing is, the lower level tech jobs are (or already havelef) leaving California. Sometimes they move to other places in the USA (I was offered a tech job in Durant, Oklahoma). Sometimes, they go over seas. And, sometimes they are just gone.
    The reason that so many of the higher level tech jobs don’t leave is that the management of the companies have to much personally invested in California. If you have a house (multi-million dollar or not) that you can not sell, you aren’t going to be looking at moving. Since the manager’s can’t afford to move to a more business friendly climate, the companies won’t move.

  4. My wife keeps pushing me to move us to Kommiefornia (or Hawaii, which is just as bad). I tell her no way in hell.

  5. PLEASE don’t recommend Austin. We have enough kalifornicators and yankees here already and they are trying to replicate the reasons their former state failed. More taxes, more welfare, more PC BS. Passports should be required before we let people OUT of the failed blue states.

  6. I miss the weather (at least in Northern California). But that’s about all. The last time I was looking for jobs in Silicon Valley, a disturbing number of them were expecting you to work for stock options only–no pay. Now, admittedly, there are vast numbers of engineers out there who have a few million in the bank, and can afford to do that. But I’m not one of them.

  7. Sometimes I would love for that state to break off and sink. But then where would all the refuges go? The other southwestern states and then they would turn AZ, NV, NM, TX, UT into pseudo kalifornistans.

    But looking at there canal system, which needs a revamp many times larger and more expensive than the panama canal, one good medium powered earthquake at the right place and 30 million people will not have clean drinking water.

  8. Bumper Sticker:

    South Austin: We’re all here because we’re not all there.

    We passed a law in Texas prohibiting any unit of government from banning licensed concealed weapons on any property owned or controlled by any unit of government (with obvious exceptions such as jails).

    We did this because the city of Austing was banning concealed handguns everywhere: parks, libraries, sewage treatment plants, public roads. recycling centers, wherever that was enough room to erect a sign.

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