NRA: More Popular than Obama

Good for us, bad for the Administration. Maybe it’s time for him to come around a full 180 and help push a major piece of pro-2A legislation through Congress. Maybe then we can lend President Obama some of NRA’s popularity with voters. Unfortunately, I give the odds on that somewhere south of having Rahm Emanuel showing up naked and screaming obscenities on Chris Cox’s lawn one morning.

4 thoughts on “NRA: More Popular than Obama”

  1. I don’t know, Rahm seems to enjoy screaming obscenities whilst naked. If Chris Cox turns the sprinklers on, his lawn will be a lot like Rahmbo’s favorite meeting place (allegedly).

  2. “I don’t know, Rahm seems to enjoy screaming obscenities whilst naked.”

    Anyone else would be hauled in for a psychiatric evaluation for acting like that.

  3. So you think its definitely going to happen if I get Chris Cox’s address to Rahm?

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