Intellectuals Stepping Off the Cliff

Thomas Sowell has an excellent interview here discussing why it’s dangerous to put intellectuals in charge of everything. This is truth. I’ve often heard people decry the influence of lobbyists in Washington. I don’t. The lobbyists are the only ones who know how anything works. If you took the lobbyists out of the equation this country would be run by dimwitted politicians with delusions of grandeur, and overeducated twenty something staffers who think they know a lot more than they really do.

4 thoughts on “Intellectuals Stepping Off the Cliff”

  1. Even the current “anti-lobbyist” President realises that on the particulars of their associated industry lobbyists are more informed than those who have no “ties” – else why has he hired so blasted many of them?

  2. I’m about halfway through “Intellectuals and Society”, and he makes some excellent points (including some references to gun control) throughout the book.

  3. I disagree that it’s dangerous to put intellectuals in charge of everything.

    It’s dangerous to put intellectuals in charge of anything.

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