Militia Bogeyman Once Again

This article in the Louisville Courier-Journal talks about the resurgent militia movement. It’s actually fair treatment, I think, but pretty clearly SPLC has been driving interest in this story. Looking at these pictures, looks to me just like a group of people enjoying a day at the range. But I see the blue helmeted conspiracy folks are still alive and well.

8 thoughts on “Militia Bogeyman Once Again”

  1. I am in Louisville and I also thought it was a pretty fair treatment but yes they are pushing the boogyman of the militia to scare people. I am not sure it will work anymore. Many people now know people that are serious gun owners and may even bee in the militia.

  2. Huh, according to the caption on that first photo, it’s an AR-16 rifle. I think that’s like an AR-15 only scarier.

  3. “Huh, according to the caption on that first photo, it’s an AR-16 rifle. I think that’s like an AR-15 only scarier.”

    LOL! That’s the first thing I noticed.

  4. I love the first comment on that article: “They need to be tracked like sex offenders.” Yes, because practicing a right = molesting little kids. Where do these people come from?

    “I think that’s like an AR-15 only scarier.”

    The AR-16 is what happens when a AR-15 and a M-16 love each other *very much.* (chuckle)

  5. Call me anal if you wish, but the pic used to illustrate the story gives me a 4 rules heebie jeebie.

  6. Sebastian: Lol, props on the Nigel Tufnel reference.

    Dixie: “The AR-16 is what happens when a AR-15 and a M-16 love each other *very much.* (chuckle)” <– Lol, well, maybe they DO need to be tracked like sex offenders. I mean, one's 16, the other's only 15 . . . Just sayin'.

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