More Bad News for Bloomberg

I mentioned in my final post about breaking down the ranks of Bloomberg’s anti-gun mayors that if your mayor is on the list, go after them on the anti-concealed carry advertisements Bloomberg funded. I said there was a possibility that they had no idea what their names were being signed on to in conjunction with Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Turns out, I was right.

Two mayors resigned from the group specifically over those ads and the position Bloomberg took against concealed carry. I already mentioned the resignation of the Houston mayor in the post, but I just found a reference to the specifics of his departure:

Former comptroller John Sharp, a Democratic candidate to succeed Hutchison in the U.S. Senate, said Monday that Houston Mayor Bill White, another Democrat seeking the Hutchison seat, should resign from a group called Mayors Against Illegal Guns. White’s campaign said he resigned last week, adding that the group’s focus had grown from its original effort to prevent the sale of stolen guns.

Sharp’s campaign pointed to the group’s fight against a proposal to allow those with concealed gun permits to carry them into other states. White’s campaign said he resigned the day that the group took out a newspaper ad denouncing that proposal.

Either he didn’t know about it, or he did and realized that it was a political liability. Either way, Bloomberg’s extremism cost him the mayor of Houston.

It turns out that those ads also caught the attention of Sen. Thune himself.

The ads included lists of mayors. That definitely got the attention of Thune’s office. Someone noticed that one ad suggested Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson opposed the amendment. That one stung — Thune lives in Sioux Falls.

Thune’s office placed a call to Munson, who told them he didn’t oppose the amendment, a Thune staffer said. Several days later Munson resigned from the mayors group, Feinblatt says.

So there’s confirmation that Bloomberg is signing mayors onto policy statements they do not endorse. He’s using their names to advance his personal agenda without even consulting them. Those types of actions make pretty much every politician skittish.

4 thoughts on “More Bad News for Bloomberg”

  1. I wrote a detailed letter to my mayor who is on the list. I’ll let you know if I get anything back (I don’t believe she is running for reelection so there is no vote getting incentive for her to resign).

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