iPhone Greetings

Finally got my iPhone. Had a few problems getting the number porter over from T-Mobile, but I’m posting this from the phone, so it’s working fine now. Still getting used to the touch of the screen keyboard, and the rancid taste of Kool Aid in my mouth.

5 thoughts on “iPhone Greetings”

  1. Get the WordPress app from the app store. (If you haven’t already)

    I’ve been playing with it for a couple of days and it works great.

  2. Keep us posted on the battery life, will you? I hear that’s the only ding on the phone — browsing at 3G speeds eats a lot of juice.

  3. I guess that is one plus side to having a job where bringing a camera to work would get me fired, or possibly jailed. I really can’t sell out any farther than buying an iPod. Granted, at least the iPod didn’t happen until they stopped being ridiculously overpriced in comparison to other similar capacity MP3 players.

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