DC Concealed Carry Ruling Tossed by Court of Appeals

DC Gun Bill of Rights

John Richardson has the story. The fortunate part is that it’s on procedural grounds and not on the merits of the case. Essentially the Court of Appeals argues that Judge Scullin should never have been assigned a case like this, since he was sitting on the DC Court from another district. It’s not uncommon for “retired” federal judges to serve when they are needed. Even Justice O’Conner has been hearing cases in the 9th Circuit since retiring from the Supreme Court. In this case, the Court has decided that Wrenn must start over.

This is unfortunate, but to be honest, we should want the wheels of justice to turn slowly, on the hope that if we have a favorable outcome in 2016, we can get changes on the courts that will help us secure a more robust Second Amendment we clearly will never get from this Supreme Court.

2 thoughts on “DC Concealed Carry Ruling Tossed by Court of Appeals”

  1. Yup. Doesn’t seem like a bad decision. They rolled the dice by going back to the same judge. Don’t blame them. It just slows things down a bit.

  2. Rule of Law. A damned shame from one POV, but Rule of Law is better than the alternative.

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