Upcoming Action Day for Gun Control


Most folks have heard that President Obama’s Organizing for Action group has declared August 21 to be their gun control day. But have most of you actually looked at the schedule around you to see who they are targeting?

Here in suburban Philly, we have some highlights. They start tonight with a phone bank in Solebury and tomorrow night in Bethlehem targeting the entire area of Southeast PA.

They really want to cause problems for Rep. Jim Gerlach judging by the Trappeand Exton rallies planned. Most gun owners probably assume that Rep. Joe Pitts has no major election concerns, but they are targeting his district with two rallies and a phone bank effort. Even Rep. Charlie Dent who managed to defeat a MAIG mayor in a recent election will be facing pressure.

If Republicans who signed on to co-sponsor a few bills thought that would make the left go away, they were sorely mistaken. Rep. Patrick Meehan will be subject to two rallies attempting to keep gun control the issue alive in his district. Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick is also slated for a rally to keep the divisive issue on the front pages.

Gun owners need to make sure that gun control voices aren’t the only ones that these lawmakers hear from next week. Even if some have already signed on to bills we don’t like, don’t give up. If they hear silence from our people, they’ll think it’s okay to sign on to even more extreme gun control.

3 thoughts on “Upcoming Action Day for Gun Control”

  1. “Even if some have already signed on to bills we don’t like, don’t give up. If they hear silence from our people, they’ll think it’s okay to sign on to even more extreme gun control.”

    The nature of the message should be, “I know you’ve caved before and I’m wondering if you are going to cave this time? In any case just remember we’re watching.”

    In no case communicate, “We appreciate your past good efforts, but…blah-blah-blah.” Give them the impression you want to kick their ass for every anti-gun thought that has ever passed through their heads.

  2. If Republicans who signed on to co-sponsor a few bills thought that would make the left go away, they were sorely mistaken.

    Antigun efforts are like bears; if you feed the critters, they keep coming back for more.

  3. Us Lancaster people gotta remind Pitts to stay on our side. Doesn’t matter if we think he’s okay, we gotta remind him. Remember the Toomey!

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