An Illegaler Mayor Against Guns


Mike Bloomberg’s recruitment efforts in Mayors Against Illegal Guns manages to find some real gems to join him in advocating against the constitutional rights of ordinary citizens. The latest to join the ranks of the troubled MAIG members is Pat Ahumada of Brownsville, Texas.

Technically, he was already an Illegal Mayor Against Guns because of his multiple DWI arrests & convictions. However, he was made a member of the “Illegaler” club with his new arrest for illegally operating a gambling establishment.

4 thoughts on “An Illegaler Mayor Against Guns”

  1. Does anyone have a running tally of everyone that’s been indicted that’s belonged to this group of outlaws?

      1. Bloomberg is not the only guy in the world who has a lot of money. There must be people on our side with money, too. I think we could have a REALLY good advertising campaign that would help people who are on the gun-control side to realize that they need to re-assess their views, or at least re-assess who they hang out with politically. What we do is have an ad campaign on Internet and in print media, and on cable. It will be called, “The Faces of Gun Control.” Each ad will feature one of the Bloomberg Illegal Mayors and that particular creep’s story of shame. I bet if you get 10 of these ads circulating in the media, the Bloomberg people will stop putting out their “Mayors / members” list at all, and may even have to change their name to deal with the resulting bad PR. If you can get 50 of these ads circulating, it would forever make people recoil at the thought that they might actually be on Bloomberg’s side of this. All it takes is some money to run the ads.

  2. As a famous self-defense trainer likes to say, when demonstrating a particular set of self-defense techniques, you got to “defang the snake”.

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