7 thoughts on “If it saves …”

  1. Too bad the people who use the “if it saves just one life” argument will not admit that firearms have any useful purpose (unlike, cars &c, when you bring those up.)

    They simply don’t acknowledge self-defense as a valid purpose.

  2. Not to mention that:

    1. Public transportation as a right is NOT affirmed in the Constitution.

    2. None of my firearms were bought with taxpayer money.

  3. I think we should ban them!

    There is no chance in hell more criminals use guns than use the NYC Subway system.

  4. I caught that story about the NY subway system too. Dang, who knew it was so dangerous and killed so many people? Perfect for my purpose.

    I used to argue that lightning strikes kill more people than so-called “assault weapons”. Now I can also use the example of the NY subway. The NY subway system kills more people than so-called “assault weapons”!

  5. There should be background checks on everyone entering the subway system and a 5 day waiting period before purchasing a MetroCard!

    It’s for the Children!

    1. And don’t forget those evil assault vehicles that kill thousands every year either, ban them all!

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