Robyn Ringler Sighting

Robyn ran one of the few anti-gun blogs out there.  But she got tired of the Reasoned Discourse and quit blogging.  Jacob found an interview with her by CSGV.  She said blogging:

… was one of the most disheartening experiences I’ve ever had. Most of the comments I received were so mean and lacking in compassion and empathy it was hard to believe people would write such things. Death threats were common. When I wrote about children dying from gun violence, responders wrote that inner city children were not really children, but rather thugs and monsters. Racism and prejudice seemed to motivate a lot of the comments.

I recall the comment section there, and I recall a lot of facts being brought forth to refute her emotionally driven nonsense.  I also don’t recall any racism in the suggestion that, yes, some children, particularly the ones that belong to gangs, are indeed monsters.

6 thoughts on “Robyn Ringler Sighting”

  1. Actually, I can see where she’s coming from about the first part. The comments, while not nice, quickly turned harsh and on occasion mocked her posts. However, this only happened after she had posted multiple stories along the lines of things that had been backed up with sources as being false in the comments of her previous posts. As for the not compassionate crack, any serious debate about making law should damned well not be compassionate and anyone who attempts to use emotion to sway debate should immediately be ignored. All laws should be strictly discussed as an on the merits exercise.

  2. This quote is so illustrative of her mind set:

    “When I wrote about children dying from gun violence, responders wrote that inner city children were not really children, but rather thugs and monsters.”

    She can’t tell, or doesn’t see, the difference between children and violent young-adult thugs, so us pointing out the fraudulent inclusion of non-children in the statistics is heartless and compassionless.

  3. Robyn, it’s not a nation of men and women, it’s a nation of laws, not emotions.

  4. I never posted on her blog, but I would have been very mean. I have no tolerance for fools trashing our Constitution and my security in freedom and liberty.

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