San Francisco Backs Down

This isn’t the huge victory NRA is making it out to be. Precedent is well-established, and San Francisco City Council has already achieved their primary objective:

Win a Second Amendment case, or the case against Cuomo, and make him pay personally, I’ll be a lot more impressed. Speaking of the Supreme Court, it was always my impression that the person who had the relationship with Paul Clement was Chris. Are we going to use Clement in any upcoming case? I hope NRA still has access to him. But in this day of Bill Brewer being NRA’s everything attorney, I won’t be surprised if it’s not Clement up there arguing for us.


So the Supreme Court is meeting today to decide the fate of NYRPA v. New York. I believe we won’t know the result until the 7th. Tough wait, to be sure. All sides have a lot riding on this.

I am not able to focus on blogging as much. My employer kind of suddenly but not unexpectedly went through a serious crisis that is going to result in eventual wind down. Most of the employees are gone. But we both agreed not to leave my client high and dry, so I’m going to continue with my engagement while there’s work under a different but far riskier (for me) pay model. The good news is I will make some damned good money in October. The bad news is I don’t know if I will have a job after that. While all this is going on, I’m just not as focused on gun politics or blogging. And I’m not sure if I find another job I’ll really want to continue doing this. We shall see once all this is done playing out.