I can’t quite agree with Miguel or Lawdog that this is Super Zumbo. The big problem with Zumbo, and why we were so enthusiastic in his Zumboing, was that he was a very widely known and respected outdoor writer, and suggested that those of us who liked to own and use black rifles were terrorists. His statement was an absolute gift to the other side, and coming only a few years after the assault weapons ban had expired, was directly relevant to an ongoing political struggle.
In this instance, Recoil Magazine certainly stepped in it, but until now I’ve never heard of them, and looking around the web not many other people had either. So I am less concerned with the fact a small potatoes gun rag suggests none of us should own an MP7, which none of us can own. It certainly doesn’t help, to have them say something like this, and I certainly would never subscribe to their magazine after reading about this, but Zumbo was a big fish, and these guys are bait fish. In looking for what Recoil’s circulation numbers were, the best I could find was 15,000, which isn’t too bad. Except then I realized that Recoil Magazine was a satire publication, and is not a gun rag. The gun based Recoil Magazine have 26,000 fans on Facebook. Best I could find, which means none of the outfits that track circulation numbers give a crap enough to report on them. Outdoor Life, the magazine Zumbo was hunting editor for before The Incident, has over 700,000 subscribers.
So I’ll help spread the word, but I just don’t think these guys are a big deal. I’m also not sure this article is going to have much of an effect on their counterstrike kiddie subscriber base. Maybe if they said you shouldn’t own an Airsoft MP7 either, it would be enough to get their subscriber based really worked up.
As I said over on the blog, I think this is more about Recoil Magazine’s reliance on CounterStrike for their gun knowledge and unfamiliarity with H+K’s utter contempt for the civilian market than anything else.
I just find the idea of a printed, purchased magazine kind of… quaint, given the popularity of teh interwebz.
“but until now I’ve never heard of them” Same here, although this guarantees I will never read any of their crap from here on out.
They may not have many subscribers, but they are on the newsstands at Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and even Publix.
HK and Recoils opinions amuse me since the PS90 exists.
I was thinking about getting a HK45C in the future. Maybe I’ll just get a FN.
Lots of form factor differences between the PS90 and MP7 (no pistol grip on the PS90, for starters, which allows it one more evil feature.)
Plus, isn’t the PS90 domestically-produced at FNH’s Columbia, SC plant?
Lastly, a pinned-stock MP7 with an un-threaded 16″ barrel would be gayer than a purse full of kittens and anyone buying one would be a bigger Counterstrike kiddie mall ninja than the owner of a KRISS pistol and the owner of an FS2000 put together.
No pistol grip, but the PS90 does have a thumbhole stock — which the liberals see as a disgusting perversion of their sexual liberties — and thus, it is just as evil a feature as the deadly pistol grip.
Where is it made?
When I had one, my PS90 has “Made in Belgium” or something like that on the side.
“Lastly, a pinned-stock MP7 with an un-threaded 16″ barrel would be gayer than a purse full of kittens and anyone buying one would be a bigger Counterstrike kiddie mall ninja than the owner of a KRISS pistol and the owner of an FS2000 put together.”
Why do it that way?
If it was me, I’d import it like DSA imports the B&T TP9. Regular length barrel, no stock, no forward grip. Then you offer the stock and grip as add ones later once the NFA paperwork clear.
Maybe they remember the totally non-selling SP89?
If that was the case they’d say something like, “We don’t anticipate this gun selling well enough to make it worth our while and we’re concerned about the regulatory environment” as opposed to their current stance of “You unwashed civilians can’t HANDLE this weapon, and if we gave it to you you’d just shoot cops anyway.”
“Maybe if they said you shouldn’t own an Airsoft MP7 either, it would be enough to get their subscriber based really worked up.”
Very, very nice. ;)
Thing is, the “sporting purpose” of the Second Amendment *is* hunting Politicians and Civil Servants who have turned Zombie and failed their Civilian Masters – We the People.
After the application of tar-and-feather and a jury trial maybe they will be hung, but shooting is also good…