Delaware Housing Authority Breaks under Lawsuit

Looks like they are relenting on the policy of banning firearms in public housing, but it’s not clear yet whether their new policy is going to be acceptable.

Among the things Pileggi said were objectionable in the draft regulations is a proposed ban on carrying weapons in “common areas” of WHA buildings. He said the rule appears aimed at preventing “someone from just hanging out” with a firearm and is an improper restriction of Second Amendment rights.

He also objected to a proposed requirement that anyone who has a gun in a WHA building be prepared to produce a permit showing he is allowed to carry it.

The solution would be to defer to state law on common areas. If you have a CDWL from the State of Delaware, or are otherwise carrying the firearm in compliance with state law (e.g. openly), you should be fine.

2 thoughts on “Delaware Housing Authority Breaks under Lawsuit”

  1. My guess is they’re trying to make sure the powers that be can run off Sumdood while he’s hangin’ out waiting for Datguy to show up So Sumdood can ventilate Datguy.

    which is nmoronic, of course.

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