17 thoughts on “Gun Guys Dead?”

  1. Hey, that puts me and Jade one rung highter on the old ladder. Now, if we can only get the Bradys and VPC to go, —- oh man, the possibilities are endless.

  2. Yup, mike … Just like the single blog or two fighting for prohibition or defending the flat earth society, you can be the final, ignored voice of a lost cause. LOL

  3. “Hey, that puts me and Jade one rung highter on the old ladder. Now, if we can only get the Bradys and VPC to go, —- oh man, the possibilities are endless.”

    heh, but who will write stories and “Studies” for you little scamps to parrot?

    I fail to see how the anti-rights presences in the blogosphere could be any less significant, but if more go away, and the most obviously mentally ill and anti-social are at the top of the pile, well more the better for us.

  4. heh, but who will write stories and “Studies” for you little scamps to parrot?

    They’ll take turns writing and parroting. Kinda like what happens now, but with fewer parrots.

  5. Thank goodness you pro-gun guys don’t do any of that parroting.

    Don’t you find it embarrassing to accuse others of what you yourselves are guilty of?

  6. “Thank goodness you pro-gun guys don’t do any of that parroting.

    “Don’t you find it embarrassing to accuse others of what you yourselves are guilty of?”

    Dear Mikey, you miss the point: *you* won’t have anything to parrot! We pro-gun types will continue to have people–well-funded, not-likely-to-disappear-anytime-soon organizations–to parrot!

  7. Sebastian asked, “Where’s this mentally ill stuff coming from?”

    This, like a number of other things, is the fruit of Weer’d Beard’s obsession with me. He said it once, thought it was cool and has repeated it dozens of times now, scores probably.

    Thanks for asking, if by doing so you really wanted to clarify if this was invented nonsense or not.

  8. Hey Mikeb302000,

    Maybe, just maybe Weer’d got it from your own posts?

    Didn’t you point out that a certain percentage of gun owners are unfit mentally to own firearms?

    Depression. 3%

    It is estimated that about 8% of our population had at least one MDE (major depressive episode) in the last year. Gunowners, being no different from regular folks, can claim this same percentage, which I’ll bet goes a long way explaining all those suicides. Since not everyone who suffers one of these episodes attempts suicide or does something else rash, let’s call it 3%.

    Rage (including road rage). 1%

    One of the most frightening types of rage is called Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED). It is estimated that 4% of the population has yearly episodes. I say not a single one of them should own a gun. I realize some of these guys also suffer from depression and may have even been counted under “Alcoholics and drug addicts,” so we can cut the 4% in half twice and settle on 1%. I’ll throw in the regular rageaholics and road rage maniacs for free. 1%.

    Since you’ve owned firearms — both legally and illegally — isn’t it possible you fit into one of those category?

    Or maybe it’s your obsessive tendency to cut and paste a news story about firearms and include the same dialog?

    “Oh, See!!1!1 — Guns are bad, See someone was hurt, Guns are Bad!!!!!”

    OCD much?

  9. He’s playing a game with you guys. I call it ant farm. We’re the ants. He’s the kid shaking the ant farm, and watching the small creatures within struggle to preserve their fragile pointless existence.

  10. Sebastian,

    That’s okay, still gets our message about Mikeb302000 across.
    The more people who see it, the fewer who take Sparky serious.

  11. Sebastian, Sparky is a silly sobriquet given to me by my obsessed antagonists. But, I think you knew that or at least could have figured it out just like your other question about my mental status.

    Sometimes I think you’re the one shaking the ant farm.

  12. That was Ellen’s nickname for Clark W. Griswold.

    And I figured it was a nickname, I’m just curious about the history of it.

  13. Sebastian,

    I think I was the first to use it. I applied it to him because he only has enough brain energy to produce a spark — not a coherent thought.

    Once Mikeb302000 objected to it — after allowing gun nuts and dozens of other pejoratives to be used toward us — it sort of stuck.

    Notice how Mikeb302000 does not address the issues — he was a gun owner, wouldn’t that put him in his own 10% category possibly?

    Given the obsessive nature of his posts, his inability to tell truth from fiction (or at least be able to describe his thought process), his denial/dismissal of statistics and evidence — some of it from the U.S. gov) — aren’t those symptoms of mental illness?

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