Only a politician can call for a gun ban on Friday night and then sign on to speak at a pro-liberty shooting event hosted at a gun club on Tuesday and not see the hypocrisy.
As we’ve mentioned, Jack Wagner said he supported a ban on semi-automatic rifles on Friday night at the Pennsylvania Progressive Summit. This afternoon, the Commonwealth Foundation posted a Facebook listing for their annual LiveFreePA fundraiser. Guess who confirmed his attendance? Jack Wagner. To his credit, he’s the only Democrat who is on their confirmed speakers list. To his discredit, he’d ban the guns that the members of the host club use regularly.
Be there, call him out on his hypocrisy!
You want me to pay $75 to heckle? No, thanks.
Perhaps this would be an opportunity for someone to educate him.
call up the club and let them know his position
Have the club offer him an “America’s Rifle”, maybe in camo, to thank him for his efforts for gun rights and against gun control, have them put out a nice big press announcement and take out some print ads prior.
If he takes it then continues calling for an AWB he can be called out as a public hypocrite.