Pep Talks

Joe points out that Michael Beard of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is trying to convince supporters to hang in there. It’s a very difficult time for them. This would have traditionally been a window for passing more sweeping gun control, but the Democrats are too busy screwing up health care and running this country into debt beyond its wildest dreams to care too much about the issue. This window will only be open for a short time, because the Democrats are running farther left than our center-right electorate. That will likely provoke a backlash that will make gun control even more difficult than it is now. If the window closes without the gun control movement being able to claim any significant accomplishments, they should hold their breath now, because when they hit the bottom of history’s dustbin, it’s going to be a rough for them.

One thought on “Pep Talks”

  1. “… the Democrats are running farther left than our center-right electorate. That will likely provoke a backlash that will make gun control even more difficult than it is now.”

    Maybe not according to a theory that a friend of mine put forward. If, in reaction to the socialist agenda, the Democrats lose pro-gun voters, then the Democrats would lose nothing by also pushing gun-control. In for a penny, in for a pound.

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