There are still some “Kitchen Table Dealers” left, but he’s right about it being a dying breed. An Easton man is in the news for seeking a variance to operate an FFL for a gunsmithing business in a residential area. If his plan is a gunsmithing operation, it’s not like there will be a parade of customers coming in and out of the residence. Most of his business will likely be from people sending stuff through common carrier, which is why you need the FFL. If I were his neighbor, I would speak on his behalf to the zoning board, and advocate granting the variance. Well, as long as he agreed to do transfers for me for free :)
3 thoughts on “Kitchen Table Controversy”
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I wonder if there would be a business model where I rent out a building, zoned for commercial businesses, for people to do dealer type work?
A cheap office, basically, for them to work out of. Then again I don’t know the law well enough to ensure that’s ‘legal’ or not. I suspect ‘not’ because it allows people to exercise a right that isn’t looked favorably upon.
Better to ask forgiveness after then permission before. . .
My Smith operates out of his garrage. I belive it gets by because it is seperate from his house. Still you are correct, most of his buisness comes in and out via the mail or carrier.
I’ll give him a plug as his work is very good and his prices are very competative